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behind which is a serious loss and inconvenience. Make a shift of a wooden one and push on. Rip the bidarra on a rock and still push on, bailing to keep her dry. The Indians shoot a moose and soon after we see one in the river which after considerable blazing away is shot by Bidarshik one of our men. We push on leaving him to follow on the bodisca, but he foolishly thinks we are leaving him and comes on leaving the moose for the other Indians to bring on. They don't do it and we camp & send him back for the meat if the Indians have not stolen it all. Get our tent afire smoking out the mosquitoes which are like dust in the air.

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He comes back with quite a lot of meat & marrow bones

______ Friday June 14, 1867 ____________
N by E. 3. both sides medium high S. sd. green rock N. by W 3. [[Yatsunichtun?]] R. N sd. 1. [[?]] "Caught in the rocks") NNE. 2. S sd Black rock. N sd high. NE. 3. High bluff of same. NE by N 1. N by W 2. NW 1/2  [[Keetock?]] R. N sd. N. 2. Island. White sand bluffs on S. sd N sd low broad valley of K. R. very broad 1 1/2 m. N 1. High sand bluffs N. sd. N by W 1. Bluff of dark green rock before noticed. Crow & hawk.. N E 2.
Start late about six having our boat sewed up again and with a load of fresh meat. Pass some fine bluffs and two small rivers, Chi peet at 12 P.M. and leave the Indians here excipt the old [[Tyone?]]. They will soon follow but will leave the women here and only the