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in charge. Arrive at 12 oclock M. of the 23rd. The Fort is unfinished, but what is done is well done, strong, well finished & clean. Get some little grub and the three men into tea, which is the first [[bread?]] they have had in five years Turn in about three oclock for 18 hours hard paddling has made me sleepy. I have the honor of being the first American to ascend the river from below and if I go down as is proposed in company with Capt. K. &c. It will be the first trip ever made from Ft Youkon by the river to the sea, a trip of 1200 miles long. 
We hope however to go a little further up the river & look at the mts.

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__________ Monday June 24 _____________
Get uo late have the three men into breakfast, flapjacks, fish ham & moose meat, which for those who have not tasted flour for 4 or five years is rather a trial. Get the chiefs. 3 in number, Red Leggins & two others, in and give them some tobacco. Get three pair of moccasins one form Red Leggins one from Boucher. & one from the young scotch man. must get about a dozen pair to give away to bummers & friends down at Ft. Michaels. Get a young black fox [[female symbol]] some young pintail ducks a nest 3 eggs & mother bird from an indian. A number of beetles. A mutilated rail, & skin a gull [[female symbol]], her two young ones, a golden [[?]] [[male symbol]], a black duck [[female symbol]] & get the Indians to skin the fox. Scorching hot, lay around, resting, smoking &c all day. The Fort is a new one not quite finished and a great improvement on the Russian ones. It will be done this year