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________ Tuesday June 25, 1867 ________
Some Indians came down the river yesterday, having seen Ketchum as he went up; say he was going very fast and will soon be down. I fear that our trip to the Mts up the Youkon will be [[clashed?]]. It is five days and strong current & we will have to wait here for the English brigade. Sun so hot that I can do next to nothing.

_________ Wednesday June 26 ____________
Hear that the boats are coming & shortly after we go out to the bank & meet Mssrs M'Dougall the comdr of the Fort M'Donald the missionary & Libbeston one of the men belonging to the Fort. Their boat which draws 2 1/2 ft. brought 9000 [[lbs?]] of goods 
Get up a good dinner for them and bring out the tobacco & liquor which we brought up for them and pass a quiet evening very late to bed.
They are Scotch, very quiet & hard to [[?]] out.

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__________ Thursday June 27 ___________
Get a [[?]] of dragon flees &c very hot, lay round & do next to nothing. Go up to Antoine Houles house & give him what we brought up with us for him he is a good fellow. In the afternoon about 11 PM the [[?]] Indians known here as the [[Gems?]] de Buttes, come up in 25 canoes with furs to trade [[promisly?]] for moccasins. Get 2 [[Rossamorja?]] skins from Antoine & a little tobacco bag.
So hot that we can do nothing strike M'Dougal for guns for our men, which he says we can get if any are left after the trade is over, which is as well as we could expect, as they bring their goods a very long way to get them to Fort Youkon.