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_______ Friday June 28 _____________
News by the [[Sananah?]] Indians that they saw a white mans body in the water about a day below the Fort, near where we saw the old canoe. It was probably that of the man who accompanied Mr. Cowles as his knife pipe & belt were brought up. Mr M'Donald goes down with an Indian & Anderson to look after the other body & inter them. Ask for a moose skin, as Peter Pellys wife has time to make me up a few pair of  moccasins.
M'Iver gives me two pair, which with two from Boucher, one from Antoine & one from Red Leggins make six pair on hand. If I can get six more, I shall be well satisfied. Go over my sketches in ink to prevent their rubbing clear out

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_________ Saturday June 29 ____________
Morning. Go out & get some sketches & plants. About 4 P.M. news that Ketchum is coming. Go out on the bank & see two large canoes coming. The Indians & all hands pop away and give them a good salute, and we soon grasp the captain & Mike by the hand. They have been in two large birches with four Indians to Fort Selkirk. 600 miles in 28 days & back in 4 days. They have found a fine country with any quantity of moose & open to navigation so far but no further, a large rapid just above Fort Selkirk. They have had a pretty good trip but have had the greatest impertinence & insolence from their Indians to endure, & mosquitoes!!!.
A river, the White river, which is the cause of the muddiness of the Youkon, comes in about 100 miles below Selkirk in the left bank.
Have a jolly good supper, go up & see Antoine, talk, smoke & finally turn in about two o clock at night.