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Get Mary to make me a mosquito net. Have a good deal of bother but finally succeed in getting a lot of Tananah words for my vocabulary 
Pack every thing up. Get the bidarra sewed & ready. Get three pair of shoes (unfinished) from Antoine. Gibbeston gives me a good pair of otter skin gloves. Anderson goes up the river and brings me down some marl from the bed of an extinct lake. Get dinner very late and prepare to leave. I take my large birch with Mikaishka, and [[Low?]] and Capt. K. takes his birch canoe with Dick & Boucher's boy & Nicki & Whymper[[?]] the bidarra with Kurill & Bidarshik. 
Bid all hands goodbye and get in to our boats about  A.M. of

__________ Monday July 8 _____________
Start with a tremendous cracking of guns from the Fort. Indians who are fond of using powder, and slide swiftly down with the current, up sail & make about six or 7 knots. Boil the chinick and fry some ham about 6 AM & taking things aboard, eat as we drift down thus saving

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time. Day cloudy with [[clashes?]]
Before ten, pass the camp where we slept two days before reaching Fort Youkon. It is much easier going down and besides as we keep in the middle of the river we avoid many of the mosquitoes & can smoke in peace. Chi again about 9 P.M & about  pass the camp of June 18. 5 days from Fort Youkon.

_______ Tuesday July 9 _______________
Drift & paddle slowly down stream making about 4 miles an hour, only stop to cook & boil the chinik & go aboard & eat our grub drifting down mean while & sleeping in the canoe.
About 3 P.M. enter the Mts or Ramparts, chi & on again a large fire in the woods some where fills the whole air with smoke. Have a very bad cold caught at Ft. Youkon which makes me feel quite miserable. Chi again and off. Make about 125 miles a day. Rather better than coming up stream