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Go on till about 3 P.M. Meeting Indians by the way, from Koyoukuk & Tokitesky and getting a new, small gull which I skin, 3.30 pass the small bluff where the water was so strong comping up. The clouds which have made every thing so dark & obscure for 3 days stop here & proceed from a very large fire near Koyoukuk, 4.30 reach Koyoukuk Sopka just above which find some Indians fishing & see the young fellow who went up to Nuklukahyet with us from Nowikakhkat - Hear that Capsula refused to go down to Nulato with Peetka & he started alone in the bidarra with the dogs but was obliged to buy a small canoe past way down, put the dogs & most of his traps ashore and leave them, an Indian afterward found two of the dogs & took one of

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them to Nulato but Pickett did not pay him & the other one is at his house. 6 PM leave & go over to the point where the Koyoukuk Indians are encamped on an island & the bidarra goes in. [[?]] is there sick as he says. Letters [[?]] & Teckunka are at Nulato.
Russian ships have arrived see Woolysatux brother & the Tohonidola. Have a present of some deer meat a tongue & piece of back fat. Give the old woman a pup & 20 saps. Bay 3 wax wings from an indian. Push on and reach the Nulato Bluffs about 8 oclock 
Find [[strikethrough]] Nulato [[/strikethtrough]] Yagorsha on the beach who tells us that the whole of Russian America has been bought by an American company, a ship & steamer have come to the Redoubt & the Russians are all