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were large flocks of small gulls & petrels.  A few large white booby were seen & a dark species of sheerwater.  The weather was cooler today & the coast cloudy so that the high Andes and their peaks of Chimborazo & Cocopaxi could not be seen.  The old travellers say they seldom can be seen from the coast.  After passing Plata Island the coast line became invisible.  At sunset we passed a small islet on which there was a light house.

[[circled]] 21 [[/circled]] In the early morning we were off Puna Island and spent the morning steaming up the Guayas River to an anchorage off Guayaquil.  The river was wide the water brown- [[mud?]] [[strikethrough]] & th [[/strikethrough]] with much floating vegetation, consisting of [[underlined]] pistias [[/underlined]] bamboo stems & water hyacinths.  The banks of the river were low & 

Transcription Notes:
Cocopaxi is probably a misspelling for Cotopaxi, but I left it as written. I changed "Chimbarazo" to "Chimborazo". thomasc