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port of Puna an irrigated valley produces rice, cotton, sugar + other products. Oil wells are also in operation in the Sechura desert. The rock formation is a yellowish shale or limestone in appearance, horizontally bedded. We left at noon + steamed north along the coast at about 2-3 miles off shore. A fine cool breeze + bright weather prevailed. The coast is dry + brown + without evident vegetation. The sea coast is formed of rocky bluffs + the inland of plains + dry desert hills. [[strikethrough]] In [[/strikethrough]] The coast resembles that of Southern California to a remarkable degree + the cool air + cold sea water adds greatly to the similarity.
[[circled]] 25 [[/circled]] Reached Eten at daylight. The port is an open roadstead with a long wharf jutting out with the breakers. Vessel anchor a long way offshore + the cargoes are transferred by lighters to the wharf on which a railroad is built. The country is