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Indian Bottom to East fork. 20 miles. Five miles above Indian bottom you reach the foot of the mountain on the north side. Both trails come together here. There being none through the caƱon, you pass the mtn - 8 miles over good trail but steep & down on to long bottoms, say 3 miles.  There the trail again forks, one branch crossing the South fk by the ford and behind some hills striking the east fork two miles up.  The other keeps along 1 1/2 miles to junction of the East & South forks.
From here trails lead up the S. fork over on to Trinity, up the E. fork to Scotts Valley, & over the mts to Bestville on the N. fork.

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Wm. N. Bercaw.

Says the Klamath Indians keep a sort of record - they indicate their age by a notch cut for every moon. The men they have killed by a red mark. The number of their wives by a black one During life this is kept in his private basket in the lodge. After death it is placed in a sort of case woven from a particular plant & hidden in a hollow tree, on a hill over the village with others of the tribe. If the Indian dying has a canoe, they split it up & place a part over his grave. The dead are "waked" three nights & a fire kept burning over the grave. The medicine man digs the grave with a wooden instrument [[strikethrough]] & will not use iron for the purpose [[/strikethrough]] in fashioning which no iron has been used. -(Some of the above doubtful)-