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Author: Aubl.

Slide Number: 21071

Processing Date:

Processing Technique:

Herbarium Abbreviation: CR

Herbarium Name: Herbario Nacional, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica

Herbarium Number: 2523

Collection Date:

Collector: Leisner ; Lockwood

Genus: Apeiba

Species: tibourbou

Family: Tiliaceae

Country: Costa Rica



Territory: Guanacaste

Precise Locality: Savannah 10 km W Liberia

Transcription Notes:
Is Apeiba spelled incorrectly? The Genus seems to be spelled Apheiba I check on wikipedia and eol to confirm if I think there is a misspelling. In this case it appears that this is the correct spelling. See and I've also removed 2523 as this is actually a collector number rather than herbarium number (again this isn't obvious from the instructions) Added the second collector separately. Family for this species is nowdays "Malvaceae" but have left transcription as is on the card. Confirmed territory is correct via -@siobhanleachman Per STRI Instructions, the Herbarium Number entry here should be 2523, thanks! @meghaninmotion/TC team