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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1865. [[/preprinted]]

The morning fair & pleasant Sergt Wm H Dupree having arrived in town last night from camp on Business came to the Hosptl this morning & reported the men in the Regiment well & hearty & in a pleasant location. 
though nothing very special going on in the Regt. a detail made out to go away in which I was included left the Hospital about 8 PM & went aboard the steamer Cosmopolitan that laid at the Dock to convey the sick to the Head & Beaufort

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1865. [[/preprinted]]

the morning fair & pleasant the Boat still at the Charleston Dock after a pleasant nights rest arose made my bed washed & prepared for Breakfast the Boat left the Dock at 9 1/2 A.M. & went out of the harbor to the light ship & for some reason we were obliged to return to Charleston again, here we remained till 4 1/2 PM when we again made a start & arrived at Hilton Head at 11 PM after setting ashore the part of our crew that was to be left, we started for Beaufort