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has been ^[[again]] applied in a darker ink upon the Pottery Stone implements, baskets &c of that collection. 
Upon the arrival of Mr EW Nelson in this city, he Expressed a desire to have the Collections made by by him in the Vicinity of Norton Sound, catalogued without further delay. This business was at once begun and is still in progress. The articles have been unpacked and arranged in bins: his Catalogue has been copied in the record book and several hundred of the specimens have been entered. They will in all probably amount to two thousand - the number being uncertain for the reason that a large portion are not on his catalogue. No special novelty among them requires notice at this time unless it be a member of coarse Earthenware vessels, of patterns supposed be of Russian origin, consisting of Cooking pots, drinking cups, blubber lamps &c, articles heretofore made by the Eskimos of Potstone, wood or horn of the Mountain Sheep. 
In pursuance of an order subsequently received from you, further progress with the Catalogue will be suspended and the Collections made by Dr E Palmer will be taken in hand. These are now being arranged and numbered by Mr W H Holmes, whose labors on them will close with the month.
  Respectfully Submitted
     E Foreman
       in Charge

Transcription Notes:
&c = old form of etc. All personal names checked. Potstone is correct