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[[underlined]] July 22 [[/underlined]] Santa Ana
[[underlined]] Orange [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Olive [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Santa Ana R. [[/underlined]]
Opuntia occidentalis, [[spineless?]] abn
" " [[dittos for: Opuntia occidentalis]], spiney, " [[ditto for: abn]]
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] [[several?]]
Nicotiana glauca abn
Baccharis viminea  " [[ditto for: abn]]
Croton californicus " [[ditto for: abn]
Eremocarpa setigera " [[ditto for: abn]]
[[Curcuebita?]] " [[ditto for: abn]]
Salix  along stream
" [[ditto for: Salix]] " [[ditto for: along stream]]
" [[ditto for: Salix]] " [[ditto for: along stream]]
[[underlined]] Up canyon [[/underlined]] 
Populus fremonti " [[ditto for: along stream]]
Platinus  on flats
Quercus agrifolia  on foothills
Rhus laurina " " [[dittos for: on foothills]]
Eriogonum fasciculatum " [[ditto for: on foothills]]
Artemisia calif " [[ditto for: on foothills]]
Ramona polystachia " [[ditto for: on foothills]]
" [[ditto for: Ramona]] stachyoides " [[ditto for: on foothills]]

(Pseudotsuga macrocarpa in 6 gulches of Santa Ana Mts)

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names via, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman