Viewing page 12 of 60

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Colaptes  - 8700
Helminthophila c. lutescens  - 8700
Contopus richardsoni - 8500
Cyanocitta - 8000
Melanerpus formicivorus [[acorn holes?]] - 6500
Geococcyx 1 & tracks at 5000.
[[underlined]] Aug. 11 [[/underlined]] Keen Camp & Hemet Res.
Pipilo fuscus senicula 3  - 5000
Myarchus  3   - 5000
Aphelocoma com  - " [[Ditto for: 5000]]
Tyrannus vociferans & yg. com  4300 - 4500
Chamaea  com - " [[Ditto for: 4500]]
Falco sparverius  7 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]]
Toxostoma passadus  1 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Catherpes 1 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Habia melanocephela 2 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Piranga ludo  1 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Polioplita  heard " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]] 
Progne  4 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - [[strikethrough]] 4500 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
Cyanospiza com  43000
Buteo calurus  1 " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Sitta pygmea abn " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Sayornis nigricans  1  " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Tachycineta  abn " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Amphispiza nevadensis  com " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Sturnella  abn " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Euphagus  3  " [[Ditto for: 43000]]
Chondestes  2 & 6, 4300 - 4500
Lophortyx vallicola 3 " [[Ditto for: 4300 - 4500]]
Lanius 2 4500

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[Clocoris?]]  heard 4500
Corvus  2 at " [[Ditto for: 4500]]
Spizella  " [[Ditto for: 4500]]
Sialia abn 4300 - 5300
Colaptes collaris com 4300 - 
Sitta pygmaea  com. " [[Ditto for: 4300]] -

Transcription Notes:
Checked species, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman Did my best with the [[?]] species but couldn't resolve them all. -@caseyae melanocephela = melanocephala Piranga ludo = probably Piranga ludoviciana Polioplita = Polioptila pygmea = pygmaea