Viewing page 18 of 60

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[[underlined]] Redland, Aug. 17 [[/underlined]]
Mimus  2
Carpodacus frontalis  com
Pipilo senicula " [[Ditto for: com]]
Zenaidura  a few
Lophortyx  com
Polioptila  1
[[Chrysomitres?]]  a few
Catherpes 4  2000
Salpinctes   3 " [[Ditto for: 2000]] -

[[text partially obscured by plant specimen]]
[[Aphelocoma?]] [[/text partially obscured]]  com  2000 - 6200
Cinculus  1 2700 -
Chamaea com.  2000 - 6200
[[/text partially obscured]]
Oreortyx  5000 - 
Sitta pygmaea   7000 - 9000
Junco " [[Ditto for: 7000 - 9000]]
Spizella arizonae  " [[Ditto for: 7000 - 9000]]
[[Aereaumantes?]]  4000-6000

[[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]] Bluff Lake
Junco thurberi   abn
Spizella arizonae   abn
Carpodacus cassini  com  -8200
Empidonax   a few [[spare?]]. ^[[7500-8000]]
Selasphorus rufus   1
Contopus richardsoni   com
Parus gambeli   " [[Ditto for: com]] 
Dendroica auduboni  & yg. abn.  ^[[-8000]]
" [[Ditto for: Dendroica]] townsendi
Piranga ludoviciana   com
Sialia  abn

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Nucifraga  3 heard at 8000
Oreospiza  com
Hylocychla ?
Merula migratoria pro - 4
Bubo - heard & feathers found
[[underlined]] Aug. 19 [[/underlined]] Bluff Lake
Cyanocitta    -9100
Spinus pinus
Helminthophila c. lutescens  7500-8000
Wilsonia piliolata
Calypte anna
Pipilo megalonix 1
Sphyrapicus thyroides 1
[[Zenophicus?]]   com. yg & old. 7500-8000
Tachycineta thalassina
[[underlined]] Aug. 20 [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Dry Lake [[/underlined]]
Cyanosiphalus   6 at 7300
Aphelocoma   - 6500
Chamaea   - " [[Ditto for: 6500]]
Buteo J. calurus   2 at 6000
[[underlined]] Aug. 21 [[/underlined]]
Nucifraga   9000-1000 a few
Junco abn -11400
Aquila chrysaetos  3  2 at 11500
Chordiles virginianus   com  9000
[[underlined]] Aug. 22 [[/underlined]]
Cincluas   2 at 9000
[[Thittalorius?]]  1 at 8000
Hylocicla   1 at 8000
Vireo swainsoni   a family at 8000

Transcription Notes:
Cinculus = probably Cinclus Carpodacus cassini = C. cassinii Contopus richardsoni = C. richardsonii Helminthophila c. lutescens = probably refers to Helminthophila celata lutescens, Orange-crowned Warbler. Sphyrapicus thyroides = S. thyroideus. Cyanosiphalus = possibly referring to either Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) or Brewer's Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus), both of which could occur in this region during August. Chordiles = Chordeiles Cincluas = Cinclas Hylocicla = Hylocichla Vireo swainsoni = V. swainsonii @caseyae I think Hylocychla = Hylocichla Vernon often writes his c's like they are e's. I've also copied this transcription of this page to the page that is imaged without the specimen- @siobhanleachman