Viewing page 24 of 60

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Sept. 3 [[/underlined]] San Bernardino to Glen Ranch
. Enselea farinosa  - 2500
. " [[Ditto for: Enselea]] californica " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Seniceo douglasi " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Guterrezia diveriacata " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Helianthus annuus " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Madia?  (1262) " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Baccharis vimimea " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. [[strikethrough]] Tetradymia squamosa [[/strikethrough]] Leptospartum squamatum in wash  - 5000
. Telradymia [[strikethrough]] canesceus [[/strikethrough]] ? comosa  - 2500
. Artimesia californica  " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Coruthrogyne bernardino " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Eremocarpus setigerus abn " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Croton californica " " [[Dittos for: abn - 2500]]
. Amsinkia " " [[Ditto for: 2500]]
. Opuntia occidentalis " [[Dittos for: - 2500]]
. " [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] bernadina " [[Ditto for:  - 2500]]
. Hosackia glabra  " [[Ditto for: - 2500]]
. Ramona polystachia  - 3500
. " [[Ditto for: Ramona]] stachyoides " [[Ditto for: - 3500]]
. Erriogomum fascucutatum  - 5200
. Ambrasia 
. Cucurbita
Cuscuta  - 5000
. Datura

[[underlined]] 1500 feet [[/underlined]]
. Adenostoma fascuadatum S.W. 3000 - 4000
NE.  1500 - 6000
. Yucca whipplei " [[Ditto for: 1500]]  6300
Ceanothus crassifolius "spatulatus" - 2000
. " " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus crassifolius]]  2000 - 4000

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

. Cercocarpus betulafolae,  1500 - 5500
. Rhus trilobata " [[Ditto for: 1500]] - 4000
. " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] diversiloba " [[Ditto for: 1500]] - " [[Ditto for: 4000]]
. Erediction glubinosa " [[Ditto for: 1500]] 6000
. Prunus ilicifolia  " [[Ditto for: 1500]] 5000
. Platinus  -
. Populus fremonti  -
. Juglone [[strikethrough]] rupestris [[/strikethrough]] californica  1500 -
. Sambucus glauca  - 7000
. Rhamnos crocca  1500 - 2000
[[underlined]] 2000 [[/underlined]] feet
. Arctostaphylus glauca  2000 - 3500
. Rhamnos ilicifolia " [[Ditto for: 2000 - ]] 5500
. Garrea palmeri  " [[Ditto for: 2000 -]] 6300
. Pseudotsuga macracarpa { S.W. 3000 -
{ N.E. 2000 - 6500
. Quercus dumosa  N.E. 2000 - 4000
. " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] wislizensi  " [[Ditto for: 2000]]  6000
. Ceanothus diveriacatus (no 1258) " [[Ditto for: 2000]] 6000

[[underlined]] Glen Ranch [[/underlined]] 3260
[[underlined]] Mrs. Applewhite [[/underlined]]

. Rhamonos californicus  com - 7000
. Arctostophylos tomatosa a few  - 5000
. Alnus rhombifolia  - 7000
Salix  - 7000
" [[Ditto for: Salix]]
[[strikethrough]] Pinus ponderosa  4700 a few  5500 -
Abies concolor  " [[Ditto for: 5500 - ]]
Ceanothus thyrsifolus  5000 - 
Pentstemon ternatus  " [[Ditto for: 5000]] -

Transcription Notes:
First pass - need to check species via -@siobhanleachman Checked species, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman