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Nov. 25" 132 | Cogswell Col. M. Sub asst Com  Nov. 25" 67, Ref'd to Capt. Rutherford for investigation and report. Rec^d back. Dec. 4./67 Encl. No such man to be found- Ret'd to Col. M. Cogswell. Dec. 13./67. Rec^d back. Ret^d to  Capt. Allen .Rutherford. Rec^d back. Dec 28
Ret^d to Col. Cogswell. Att. invit to [[encl]]. Capt. Ruth | Fayetteville N. C. Nov 22" 67  Forwards request of Reddick Elliott that Sandy Smith white be ordered to send his granddaughter to him at [[Burns?]] Level Harnett. Co. Smith lives near Wilmington

Nov. 26" 133 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Bv't Maj. A.  In charge claims  Filed. | New Berne N. C.  Nov. 22" 67 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of James Caldwell and [[Lowlin?]] Smith

Nov 27 134 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Bvt Maj. Andrew  In charge of Claims Filed. | New Berne N. C. Nov. 25" 67  Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Five enlisted men of 14" U. S. C. A. [[H?]]. See L B 345.

Nov 29 135 | Cogswell M Bvt Col & S. A. Com.  Nov 29" 67 - Ref'd to Capt A Rutherford. SAC  Febry. 4. Recd. back with encl. of W^m Birnie. Johnson is willing to give up the child. wrote to M^cMillan recd. no reply - Retd to W. W. Weld | Fayetteville N. C. Nov 27" 67 Forwards statement of Everett Fellows alias Smith (colored) that Hugh Johnson living in Robeson Co. has his child Andrew and refuses to give him up - and that Wm. M^cMillan in same County has his child Calvin and also refuses to give him up. Fellows lives in Harnett County.

Dec 3" Filed 140 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Bvt. Maj. A. In charge Claims Caziarc Louis V. A. D. C. & A. A. A. G | New Berne N. C. Nov 29 Acknowledges receipt of Discharge papers of Privates Washington & Wilson of 2^nd Col. [Cav?]and 36^th Infty, Cold. respectfully
Dec [[10?]]" 141 [[asterisk stamp]] | Caziarc Louis V. A. D. C. & A. A. A. G Filed | Charleston S.C. Dec 10/67 States in the case of Angelina [[Worrel?]] that the reported Father of the Children be made to provide for their support & be compelled to give good security to that effect.

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Dec 16 142 [[asterisk stamp]] | Caziarc Louis V. AsC & AAAG Filed | Charleston S. C. Dec 11/67 Acknowledges receipt of letter of [[Geor?]]. Miles of the 29^th inst States that special instructions will be sent in a few days

Dec. 24 143 | Coggswell Col. M  Sub. Asst. Com^r. E. B. p. 354 | Fayettsville N. C. Dec 18/67 Asks what disposition he will make of the Bureau stores in his possession

Dec. 26 144 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coates. Bvt. Maj. A. Asst. Sub. Com^r. Filed | New Bern. N. C. Dec 23^rd/67 Acknowledges letter of 19^th inst enclosing discharge Papers of Anthony Barnes

Dec 27th 145 [[asterisk stamp]] | Curren J. F. Bvt. Capt |  Concord. NC. Dec 25/67 Writes in reference to remaining in the Bureau as Agent

Jany 1^st 146 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin. A.B.  A A Surgeon Filed | Raleigh. N. C. Jany 1^st/68. Encloses duplicate ration issues for two employees for month of Jany. Original being lost or misplaced

Jany 1^st 147 | Compton C.C. Maj Bvt. Lt Col. S.A C Jany 2^nd/68 Trans. to Col. T. P. Johnson Chf. Quartermaster | Goldsboro. N. C. Jany. 1^st/67 Forwards quarterly Return of Q. M. Stores pertaining to B. R. F & A L

Jany 3^rd 148. [[asterisk stamp]] | C^[[insert]] o [[/insert]] ats Bvt. Maj. A. In chg of Claims Filed | New. Bern. N. C. Dec 28 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of W^m Groves Jr. Sam^l Loften.

Jany. 6^th 149 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cheek Philip Warrenton. NC. Jany 6^th Ref^d to Lt. Tho Hay. for report Filed | Warrenton. NC. Jany 3/68 Writes in refence to a suit between him and Joseph J. Egerton which has never been decided by Lt. Hay and requests that the matter be investigated.

Transcription Notes:
"Ruth" for Rutherford ("C. C." a mistaken spelling of "C. E." Compton (Entry 147)