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November 3" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  | ^1 Edie John R. Bvt. Col. | Salisbury N. C. Oct 20" 1866. Writes that it is impossible for him to send an annual report as required except a very imperfect one &c.

November 6" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^2 Edie John R. Bvt. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Nov. 4" 1866 Assigns reasons for the delay of his reports. 

November 18"  |  ^3 Etheridge [[?]] E. B. p. 47.  |  Roanoke Island Nov.-1866. Applies to have land restored to him.

December 1st.  |  ^4 Evans Peter. Heirs of E. B. p. 60.  |  New Bern N. C. Nov. 21" 1866. Petition for the restoration of Trent Settlement.

December 6" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^6 Edie John R. Col. E. B. p. 82 Filed Sept. 20"67  |  Salisbury N. C. December 8" 1866. Encloses communication of W^m M Robbins Atty. praying for the cancelling of the indentures in the case of the boy "Levi" bound to Mr A. G. Newsome. 

December 17" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  | Echelberry L. Lieut  |  Whiteville N. C. Dec. 11" 1866. Requests transportation from Whiteville to Wilmington and return on public business

December 21"  |  ^8 Erwin Isaac. E. B. p. 74  |  Lexington N. C. Dec. 15" 1866. Petitions for the cancelling of the indentures of her son Henry Clay bound to W. R. Holt.

January 15" 67  |  ^9 Echelberry L. Lieut. E. B. p. 93  |  Whiteville N. C. January 9th 1867. Writes in regard to commutation of quarters and fuel and inquires if he can obtain it

January 17"  |  ^10 Edie John R. Bvt. Col. E. B. p. 95.  |  Raleigh N. C. January 16" 1867. Requests authority to hire a clerk at a salary not to exceed $100.00 per month.

January 25 ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^11 Etheridge John [[?]]. Rec.  |  Roanoke Island N. C. Jan. 1867. Applies to have his land restored to him, consisting of fifty acres.

February 2^d ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^12 Edie John R. Bvt. Col.  |  Replies to communication of Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com^r of [[30?]]^th inst. relating to his neglect of duty.

February 7" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^13 Edie John R. Bvt. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Feb. 11" 1867. Writes concerning the infliction of Corporal 

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     |     |  and other punishments in his District

February 18" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^14 Edie John R. Bvt. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Feb. 14" 1867. Concerning the issue of rations to laborers employed by Mr Hargrave &c.

February 20" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^15 Edie John R. Bt. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Feb. 18" 1867. States that no rations have been issued to destitutes in his district, and requests that steps be taken to supply the rations intended for issue at his Post.

February 22 ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^16 Evans Petre [[G?]] Heirs of  |  New Bern N. C. Feb. 11" 1867. Renew their application for the restoration of Trent River Settlement.

February 28"  |  ^17 Eppes George E. B. p. 138.  |  Halifax N. C. February 18" 1867. Complains of Mr Foote and that the negroes are whipped by the rebel courts, they receiving no protection. Requests that some one be sent to investigate their affairs

March 4" ^[[asterisk stamp]]   |  ^18 Edie John R. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Feb. 27" 1 867.  Replies to telegraphic communication of the Asst. Com'r concerning what number of destitute persons in his district do not receive rations from the Bureau and yet are proper subjects to receive a share of the provisions sent from the North for gratuitous distribution in the State.

March 14"  |  ^19 Edwards L. A. Surg. and Bt. Col. Chief Medical officer B. R. F. and A. L. 
E. B. p. 157  |  Washington D. C. Feb. 27" 1867. Forwards proceedings of a Board of Survey convenened at Wilmington N. C. Feb. 6" 67 to inspect the condition of an invoice of a quantity of medicines, pertaining to the Bureau &C for which A. A. Surgeon W. E. Day U. S. A. is responsible.

March 18"  |  ^20 Edie John R. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Mch. 14" 1867. Encloses affidavit of W. [[F?]] Pierson relative to the conduct of Mr R.F. Hunter Bureau Agt. at Charlotte N. C. and requests dismissal