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April 8th 67 | 33 Fiske F. A. Supt. of Education E. B. p. 187. | Raleigh N. C. April 3d 1867. Transmits application of D. Schaundler, Fisk D? Brewer, D. C. Smith and C. M. Forbes teachers of freedmens Schools for the Bureau to pay the rent of their ? school buildings from Jan. 1st 1867.

April 12" | 34 Fiske F. A. Supt. of Ed. E. B. p. 196. | Raleigh N. C. Apl. 11" 1867. Transmits statement of the working of his department in compliance with instructions of [[Cir. ho. 5. ??]] C. S. from Bu. R. F. and A. L.

April 15" | 35 Ferault Wm. L. Lieut. E. B. p. 200. E. B. p. 241. | Martinsville Va. April 14" 1867. States that he is continually receiving complaints from the freedmen of Rockingham N. C. that they cannot get their pay for last years services. Mentions names of certain cases.

April 19" * | 36 Foote John M. Lieut. | Halifax N. C. Apl. 3d 1867. Makes statement concerning certain freedmen under contract with ??? Gen.? Little.

April 25" * | 37 Foster H. H. Bvt. Maj. | Kinston N. C. April 24" 1867. Acknowledges receipt of telegram concerning Lieut. Cox. States in reply that he is unable to tell the reason he remains in Kinston.

April 29" 67 | 38 Fiske F. A. Supt. all? Education E. B. p. 217. | Raleigh N. C. April 29 " 1867. Requests authority to lease? a School building for the use of freed people in Washington N. C. Rent to commence from Oct 1" 1866 at $10.00 [[or $16?]] per month.

April 26" 67 * | 39 Fiske F. A. Supt. all? Education. Filed. | Raleigh, N. C. April 12" 1867. Requests authority to employ a Clerk at $100 per month, on a/c of the business of his office having increased so much that a clerk is requisite.

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May 4" 1867 40. | Foote John M. 2" Lt A. Supt. May 6" 67 - Ret'd Lt. Foote - No contract on file. | Halifax N. C. Apr 27" 1867. States that Tom Hickenson, freedman makes complaint vs. J. R. Moore. Tom claims wages under a contract with one Charles Clapp about Jan 1 1866. Moore and Clapp are in partnership  - Thinks that the contract is on file with the Asst Com. N. C. Requests that it be forwarded him.

May 4" 41 | Freeland M. F. May 6" 67 - Referred to Col. {Edie?] for report. Rec'd back June 11" 67. Em 253. | Iredell Co. NC Apr 17" 1867. Transmits claims (affidavit) of James Holmes (colored) setting forth his claims for possession of his illegitimate child. Requests the military authorities to put him in possession of the child.

May 8 42 | Fay Julia (colored) May 9" 67 Referred to Col. [[Moore?]] for report. | Wilmington NC. May 5" 67 Complains that her child Lilly Jane aged 13, is without her consent, retained by [[Ottaway?]] Saunders, who lives [[illegible number]] miles from Jacksonville, Onslow Co. NC.

May 9" 43 * | Fiske F. A. Suptat of Education Filed. | Raleigh, NC May 9" 67 Requests transportation from Raleigh to Charlotte NC and return. (furnished)

May 20" 44. | Foote Jno. M. 2nd Lt. & A. Supt. E. B. p. 235. E B p 248. | Halifax. N. C. May 14" 1867. Makes statement relative to Tom Saunders [[??]] Burgoyne and 15 other freedmen, for wages due them for work done by them on plantation of T. Pollock Burgoyne of Northampton Co. NC in 1866. 

May 28" 45. | Fiske F. A. Supt of Education May 28" 67. [[Referred?]] to [[Rev?]] F. A. Fiske authority to lease the building requested. | Raleigh N.C. May 27" 1867. Forwards petition of Wm. M. Dorlands Supt of Schools that the Bureau pay the rent of a school building in Salisbury - for freedmen - at $10.00 per month -- Recommends that the petition be granted and requests authority to lease the building.
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