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1867 AUG. 22" 82 [[asterisk stamp]] | Fleming J. K.  A. A. Surg Filed | New Berne N. C. Aug. 14" 67 Applies for 5 barrels Lime for use of the Freedmen's hospital Trent River Settlement 

Aug. 29" 83 | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt of Education Aug. 29" 67 Ret'd Granted. | Raleigh N. C. Aug 26" 67 Requests further appropriation of $250 for school house at High Shoals N. C. |

|Aug. 29" 84 [[asterisk stamp]] | Freeman John E. Aug. 29 "67 Ref'd to Lt. Hays Rec'd back Sept. 23 67. Filed. | Townsville, N. C. Aug. 27" 67 States that Dr. D. W. Evansmith with whom he worked for half the crop has divided fairly with him. 

Sept. 3 85 | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. Education Sept 3" 67 Forw'd approved. Mr. Dixon is the authorized agent for the [[F. & A. L.?]] of Phil. for [[ten? their?]] schools in this state. | Raleigh NC Sept 2" 67 Requests transportation for Geo. Dixon Ass't Sup't. Education and Ellen [[Jerickson? Swishem?]] and Sarahann Dixon teachers from Salem Mass to Greensboro NC. 

Sept. 4" 86 | Dillon Capt. R. Asst Sub Ass't Commissioner Sept. 4 67. Ref'd to Col. Johnston. Com'r | Beaufort N. C. Aug. 30" 67 Reports that he has stores pertaining to the Congressional ration on hand and requests modification of orders governing issues. 

Sep't 4" 87  |  Foote Lt. Jno. M.  Sub. Asst. Com'r  Sept 4" 67.  Ret'd with Cir 19 War Dept. BRF &c.  |  Plymouth N. C. Aug. 31" 67  Asks for regulations governing fees of claims Agents

Sept 4" 88  |  Foster C. H.  E. m. 306  ^2 Refd to Lt. Foote for action. It is reported that these children have been illegally bound out  Vouchers and indentures will be cancelled  |  Murfreesboro. N. C. Sept. 4" 67  Complains that he has been beaten and maltreated by one Patrick Taylor and others, and that a bill has been found against Taylor and himself for Assault and Battery [[?]] interference of Military  ^2 Encloses list of freed children who are illegally apprenticed without consent &c.

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1867 Sept. 5"  89  |  Foote Lt. Jno. M.  Sub Asst Com'r  Sept. 5" 67. Sub. Stores Special Relief Fund account [[?]] [[?]] 2-3-4 [[?]] [[?]] |  Plymouth, N. C. Aug. 27' 67  Requests information in regard to accounting for Subsistence Stores if Nos. 62 and 63 are used. 

Sept. 14"  90.  |  Foote Lt. Jno. M.  Sub asst Comr  Sept. 14" 67  Ref'd to Col. Johnston  |  Plymouth, N. C. Sept. 11" 67  States that he has never heard from his requisitions for horse and equipments, Desk and office chair

Sept. 19"  91  |  Fuller Austin C. Lt.  Asst Sub asst Comr  Refd 19" 67.  Ret'd to Lt. Fuller thro' Col. Moore  |  Washington, N. C. June 26" 67  Forwards vouchers for medical attendance on his wife by Dr John M^cDonald. Ret'd by Com'r. Disapproved not according to Par 1295 [[Reg?]]. Army Regulations.

Sept. 19"  92 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Fiske Rev F. A.  Supt. of Education  Filed  |  Raleigh N. C. Sept. 19" 67  Requests an order for Chaplain Pepper to proceed on a tour of inspection [[thro?]] the State

Sept. 20"  93  |  Foote Lt Jno. M.  Sub. asst Comr  Sept. '20" 67 Forw'd.  E. m. 329  |  Plymouth N. C. Sept. 18" 67  Requests information concerning claims of Sam. Wiggins Co. "D" 14" U. S. Hy Arty. Miles [[H?]] Co. "H" 36" US. C. T. and pay and pension of Jack [[by?]] Mary Anne Bell. [[?]] in hands of Wolf and Hart.

Sept. 26"  94  |  Eastmond Oscar  Agent. B. R. F. &c  Filed  |  Asheville, N. C. Sept. 23" 67  Requests authority to purchase three cords of wood for use in his office

Sept. 26"  95  |  Eastmond Oscar  Agent BRF &c  Filed  |  Asheville. N. C. Sept. 23" 67  Reports death of [[Cailias?]] Godell reported on his return as [[Lieutenant?]]

Sept. 25"  96 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Fiske F. A.  Supt. of Education  Filed.  |  Raleigh N. C. Sept. 24" 67  Requests authority to purchase maps and school matters