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Sept. 27" 97  |  Foote Lt. Jno. M. Sub. asst Comr Sept 27" 67. Ret'd  No advice recd yet, another application for instruction this day forwarded  | Plymouth N. C. Sept. 25" 67 States that has Special Relief Stores on hand, which are costing rent for storage, and are liable to be damaged, and requests that some disposition be made.

Oct. 5" 98 | Florida State of   Webster Frank W.
[[Cher?]] F.G.Bank   Oct 5 67 Refd to Dr H C Vogell   Em 329 |  Tallahassee Fla . Sept 30.67  Asks that inquiry may be made for Jane Thompson living formerly with Geo. Brogden 15 miles from Raleigh.

Oct. 9   99 | Foster C. B C.   Em 327 |
Murfreesboro, N.C. Oct 6" 67  Asks that the proceedings against him in the County Court of Hertford County [[against?]] be stopped and an investigation made by the Military as well as matter in a former letter of Sept. 5" 67

Oct 10"   100 | Fleming J.K.  Oct.10" 67 Refd to Col Johnston | New Berne, N.C. Oct. 8" 67  Requests payment of rent for rooms used by the Bureau from February 1" 66 to September 30" 67

Oct. 10"   101 * | Foote Lt Jno M  Sub ass't Com'r    Filed | Plymouth N.C. Sept. 27 67  Transmits Pension certificate of Peter Downing and requests collection

Oct. 11   102 | Fuller Austin Lt  A.S.A.C. | Washington N.C. Oct.5 67  Requests authority to purchase one cord of wood per month for office use

Oct. 11  103 * | Fiske F.A. Supt. of Education   Filed | Raleigh N.C.  Requests issue of order for Asst. Sup't Pepper to proceed to proceed to various points in

Oct. 21   104 | Fiske F.A. Supt of Education  Em334-339 | Raleigh N.C. Oct 14 67  Requests that the auction of school building at Morgan-town be stopped and a building situated on the land belonging to the freedmen be repaired

Oct 22   105 | Fiske F.A.  Supt. of Education  Oct. 22 67 Retd for information  Recd back Oct 26  Ret'd Granted for $25 | Raleigh N.C. Oct 20 67 Requests an appropriation to aid in erecting school house at Durham, N.C.

Oct 22   106 | Fiske F.A. Supt of Education  Oct 22 67 Retd, Granted |Raleigh N.C. Oct 21 67  Requests increase of appropriation from 400 to $500 to build the school house at Warrenton

Oct. 23   107 | Foote Lt. John M. Sub Asst Comr  Oct 23 67 Ref'd to Maj. Compton  Em. 342 | Plymouth N.C. Oct 21 67  Forwards complaint of Eliza Leniar that Sam Leniar her son is held by John Moore who refuses to give him up.

Oct 28  108 | Fowler J.R. late agent B.R.&c  Oct 28 67 Ref'd to Maj. C.B. Compton | Andover Mass. Oct 20 67  Asks if anything has been or can be done with regard to a murder committed in Lenoir Co. upon a negro by a gang of whites in the winter of 1865 and 6

Nov 1  109 | Foote Lt. Jno M. Sub asst Comr Em.338 | Plymouth, N.C. oct. 28 67  Asks if there will be an issue of blankets for the coming winter

Nov 1  110 | Foote Lt Jno M Sun asst Comr Em 338 | Plymouth, N.C. Oct. 26 67  Requests instructions concerning organization of Provost Courts  submits case of Andrew J.Chesson and Geo. Outerbridge.