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[[blank]]  |  [[blank]]  |  are both pests to the neighborhood  Requests that some action be taken to rid the people of their presence

Oct 12" 40 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Johnston Col. T. P. Chf Qr. Mr. Filed  |  Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 12" 67 Reports funds on hand for the week ending Oct. 12" 

Oct 22" 41  |  Jones W. W. Capt. Asst Sub Asst Com'r Filed  |  Statesville, N. C. Oct. 18" 67  Requests permission to visit Raleigh N. C. to meet his wife, en route from the North.

Oct. 26" 42 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Johnston Bvt Lt Col T. P. Ch'f Qr. Mr. Filed  |  Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 26' 67  Makes estimate of clothing for the approaching winter 
Nov. 1" 43 [[asterisk stamp]] | Johnston Bvt Lt Col T. P. Chf Qr. Mr. Filed  |  Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 30" 67  Reports Expenditures for September

Nov. 4" 44 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Johnston Col Thos P Ch'f Qr. Mr. Filed.  |  Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 2" 67  Reports funds on hand for week ending Nov. 2" 67.

Nov. 12" 45  |  Jackson J. J. Nov. 12" 67 Refered to Capt. Hillebrandt for report, and reports of action of Mr. Henderson.  |  Ashboro' N. C. Nov. 6" 67.  Asks that the Bureau investigate case of Wm Green vs James Owens, as the colored man Green is very old and has been unjustly dealt with.  Encloses affidavits

Nov. 12" 46 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Johnston Lt. Col T. P. Ch'f Qr. Mr. Filed  |  Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 11" 67  Reports expenditures for the month of October 1867.

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Dec 5 47 [[underlined]] Void [[/underlined]]  |  Johnston Lt. Col T. P. Chief Qr. Mr. Filed  |  Raleigh. Dec 4/67  Wish authority to erect an additional building and make such repairs as may be necessary to make the present building comfortable

Dec 6th 47 |  Jeffers. Hughes  |  Graham. Alamance Co. N. C Nov. 19th 1867  Make application to have certain lands restored to him which he claims to have been fraudently and maliciously cheated out of.  Forwarded by Hugh Hillebrant.  Capt. O R. C. Sub Asst. Comr with statement that said case was presented to him by Mr [[Kogh?]]. and says according to his statement the claimant was maliciously cheated out of his land

Dec 20 48  |  Jones W. W. Capt Act'g S. A. C. Recd Dec. 26. Disapproved  |  Salisbury Dec 17. 1867  Requests transportation for Ellen Payne, Freedwoman, from Salisbury to Washington City

49 Dec 28.  |  Jones W. W. Capt Act'g. S. A. C. Dec. 28, For'd to Hd. Qrs 2nd Military Dist for the action of Maj' Genl Comdg  |  Salisbury. Dec 17./67  Forwards [[petition?]] of Cary Brown who petitions for return of money paid for expected conveyance of land to save execution in the hands of the Sheriff or legal execution of title as set forth in the within petition

Dec 28 50 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Jones W. W. Capt.  Actg. S. A. C. Filed  |  Salisbury. N. C. Dec 26/67  States that he will remain as Agent of the Bureau after being mustered out

Transcription Notes:
asterisk stamps in brackets--no need to add "stars"