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1867 June 19"
28 | Potter Henry,
June 19 67 Referred to Maj Bolenius. Sub. Asst Com.  |  Randolph. Co June 9, 67
States that several persons owe him money, and that he has applied to the Courts but received no justice.

June 21"
29 * | Patrick Edwin (Cold),
Filed | Whiteville, P.O. Columbia Co. N.C.
States the true condition of their colored poor in that section, and suggests if consistent the privilege of maintaining their poor houses.

June 28"
30 * | Porter Isaac
Lt & ASAC. 
Filed | Hillsboro, N.C. June 26" 67
States that he has assumed duties according to his orders.

July 9"
31 | Porter Isaac
Lt & Asst Sub. A.C.
July 9' 67 Retd "Not a matter for Bureau legislation". | Hillsboro N.C. June 19" 67
Requests that Olive Wood be protected from payment of a bond for $250 which is illegal.

July 24"
32 | Porter Isaac Lt.
Asst Sub. Asst. Com'r
July 24' 67. Retd with order [[?]] such [[revenue?]] under your own notice will be reported. | Hillsboro. N.C. July 22" 67
Requests copy of order directing reports of arrests to be made if such order has been issued.

July 24"
33 | Porter Isaac Lt.
Asst Sub. Asst. Com'r
July 24" 67 Ret'd Granted. | Hillsboro, N.C. July 22" 67
Requests permission to visit Raleigh in business connected with his office.

July 28"
34 * | Porter Isaac Lt.
Asst Sub. Asst. Com'r
Filed | Hillsboro, N.C. July 26" 67
Forwards list of clerks and citizen agents in his Dist.

Aug 9"
35 * | Protestant E. & C.
J Benton Smith
Filed | New York. Aug. 3" 67.
Asks that Gen. Miles and Mr. Fiske be informed that their Normal School is to be the regular Normal School for N.C.

Aug. 9.
36 * | Porter Isaac Lt.
A. Sub. Asst. Com'r.
Filed | Hillsboro, N.C. Aug. 7. 67
Asks that a man named Watkins (Cold) may be arrested, as he is deluding the colored people into signing a certain subscription list.

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Aug. 15"
37 * | Porter Isaac Lt.
A.Sub. Ass't Com'r
Filed | Hillsboro, N.C. Aug. 13" 67
States that in obedience to orders he proceeded to arrest Watkins, but said Watkins had left for Virginia

Aug. 21"
38 | Page Mr. John A.
Aug 21/67. Refd to Dr. Vogell. If the circumstances are as stated within, the [[?]] is null and void and will be so ordered.
E.M. 301 | Pittsboro, N.C. Aug. 16" 67
States that a colored boy is bound out to J. Ramsey and Ramsey moves out of the State; asks if the binding is rendered null and void.

Aug. 22"
39 | Pridgeon Jerry.
Aug 22" 67. Ref'd to Maj. Compton
EM 303 | Joyner's Depot Aug 17" 1867
Requests an examination of his dues in a contract made between B.D. Rice and his mother, and in which she was allowed only eight cents.

Aug. 26"
40 * | Porter Lieut. Isaac
Asst Sub Asst Comr
Filed | Hillsboro N.C. Aug 22" 67
States that Sheriff Smith has arrested Nelson Watkins and confined him. Asks what shall be done.

Aug. 30"
41 | Porter Lieut. Isaac
Asst Sub Asst Comr
Aug 30' 67 Retd Granted | Hillsboro N.C. Aug 28' 67
Requests permission to visit Raleigh N.C.

Aug. 30"
42 * | Porter Lt. Isaac
Asst Sub Asst Comr
Filed | Hillsboro N.C. Aug 27' 67
States that he has investigated the case of Watkins, that he is deficient in intellect and that his [[fame?]] only amounts to a very small sum.

Sept 6"
43 | Porter Isaac Lt.
Asst Sub Asst Comr
Sept. 6" 67. Retd. If no written agreement was made Patterson is entitled to his expenses incurred by the trial. | Hillsboro N.C. Sept 5" 67
Encloses communication of Thos. Patterson stating that one [[Nealie in law?]] fully holding a horse belonging to Isaac Patterson as payment for fees at County.

Sept 13"
44 | Porter Isaac Lt.
Asst Sub. Asst Comr
Sept 13" 67 Refd to Comr Approved as the brother is able and willing to support the sister. E.M. 317 | Hillsboro, N.C. Sept 11" 67
Requests transportation for Susan Ruffin from Hillsboro N.C. to Lovingburg, Va as she is helpless and her brother is willing to support her.

Transcription Notes:
I have reopened this letter and dozens more for the 2nd time in 24 hours. Please do not press "Complete and Mark for Review"--in red-- until every entry is transcribed. Thank you. stars need adding