Viewing page 133 of 190

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[[3 column table]]
[[preprinted]]WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]]

1867 Sept 9' 132 | Rutherford Capt. A. (S. A. C.) Sept. 9" 67. Ref'd Mr Weld thro Col. Cogswell for reports, Nov 29' 67- Rec'd back with endorsement from Weld that he could allow no due to the proper parties unless christian names are found.  Ret'd to Capt A Rutherford.  |  Wilmington N. C. Sept. 6' 67 States that Margaret [[B?]] complains that Mrs. Swain of Swain Station refuses to give up her child.

Sept. 10" 133 |  Rutherford Capt A.  Sub asst. Comr Sept 10" 67.  Ret'd statement must be more explicit, must be specified in what counties the authorities refuse to aid destitute that the case [[may be referred?]] and the [[officials removed?]] by the [[Com Gen 2" Mil Dist?]]  | Wilmington  N. C. Sept 7" 67  States that the County authorities pay no attention to the suffering poor of their difficient counties and that some will starve unless they are taken care of.

Sept 10" 134 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt. A.  Sub Asst Com'r  Filed  |  Wilmington N. C.
Sept 1" 67  Requests authority to purchase public forage for horses for Sept.

Sept. 17" 135  |  Ragland Jno. W. Sept. 17" 67. Forw'd Hd. Qrs. 2" Mil. Dist. E. m. 325  |  Henderson N. C. Sept 14" 67  Makes inquiries in reference to the [[wording? working?]] of Gen. Order No. 10 Hd. Qrs. 2" Mil Dist. in regard to debts.

Sept. 17" 136. [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Robinson C. L.  Clerk Em. 314-315 Rec'd back Sept. 23" 67. Filed  |
Raleigh N. C. Sept. 18" 67  States that when he was engaged as clerk in the Bureau he understood
he was to be furnished with return transportation to New York and requests to be furnished with such transportation.

Sept 24" 137  |  Rutherford Capt. A.  Sub Asst. Comr  Sept 24" 67. Forw'd to Comr  |  Wilmington N. C. Sept. 21" 67  Requests authority to retain his present clerk Geo. M. Arnold, and that his former clerk H. H. Walton, be assigned to duty somewhere else

Sept 24" 138 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Royster Rawlins  Sept. 24" 67.  Ref'd to Lt. Hay  Rec'd back  Filed Oct. 21" 67  |  Sassafras Fork N. C. Sept. 19' 67  Asks that his claim on Wm [[?]] for part of the crop may be investigated and settled.

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[[3 column table]]
[[preprinted]]WHEN RECEIVED. ^[[1867]] | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]]

Sept. 24"  139 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt. A. Sub. Ass't Comr Filed  |  Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 17" 67  Requests authority to purchase a

Oct. 2" 140  |  Reves Anthony  |  Pittsboro, N. C. Sept 3" 67  Requests an appropriation of 301.83 for school house at Pittsboro

Oct. 3"  141 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt A. Sub Ass't Com'r  Filed  |  Wilmington N. C. Sept 27' 67  Requests authority to purchase [[Stores Stoves?]] for Hogan Hospital.

Oct. 3"  142 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt. A.  Sub Ass't Comr  Filed  |  Wilmington N. C. Sept 30" 67  Requests authority to purchase coffins for Hogan Hospital.

Oct. 4" 143  |  Redding Alexander  Oct. 4" 67  Ret'd to F. A. Fiske  Granted.  |  Caraway Dist. Sept. 24" 67  Requests an appropriation of $8 per month to pay for the rent of a school building.

Oct. 4" 144  |  Rutherford Capt. A.  Sub Ass't Comr. Oct. 4" 67. Ref'd to Col T. P. Johnston  | 
Wilmington, Oct. 1" 67  Requests authority to purchase enclosed estimate of wood for October.

Oct. 10" 145  |  Rutherford Capt A.  Sub Asst Comr  Oct. 10" 67.  Ref'd to Col. Johnston.  E. m. 330  |  Wilmington N. C. Oct 8" 67  Requests authority to transfer certain articles of clothing to S. S. Ashley for freedmen

Oct. 10" 146 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt A.  Sub Asst Comr. Filed.  |  Wilmington N. C.
Oct. 1" 67  Requests authority to purchase forage for public horses for October 1867

Oct. 10" 147 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Rutherford Capt. A.  Sub Ass't Com'r.  Filed  |  Wilmington N. C.
Oct 8" 67  Encloses requisitions for Fuel for
Hogan hospital.