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November 13" [[asterisk stamp]] |  1  Shaffer A. W. Capt. E. B. p. 40. | Raleigh N. C. Nov. 10" 1866. Reports that Capt. Henry U. S. Vols. (an escaped "prisoner of war") was tried, convicted and executed, on a charge of "Desertion" by order of Gen. Hoke C. S. A. and that his body is now buried at Charlotte N. C.

November 17"  |   2  Smith. Miss Lucy A.  E. B. p. 45.  |  Laconia N. H. Nov. 12" 1866.  States that Dr. A. A. Chase, died recently, while holding the position of Surgeon at Fair Grounds Hospital. Raleigh N. C.  his watch and other valuables are in possession of a nurse of the Hospital named Annie Day.  States that she was engaged to the Dr. and requests that the articles mentioned be sent to her.

December 1st [[asterisk stamp]]  |  3  Skarren John H. clk.  E. B. p. 70.  |  Beaufort N. C. Nov. 19" 1866.  Respectfully applies for an increase of salary.

December 5"  |  4  Smith Edw'd. P. Agt. A. M. A.  E. B. p. 61.  |  New York Nov. 27" 1866.  Requests that the Bureau assume and pay bills, for the construction and repair of school buildings for colored people to the amount of $2300.00 for Beaufort N. C. and $450.00 for Morehead City. N. C. 

December 11" [[asterisk stamp]]  |  5  Stickney J. W. N. Maj.  |  Goldsboro N. C. Dec. 7" 1866.  Requests transportation for himself to Wilson and return on business connected with the Bureau.

December 20"  |  6  South Dept. of.  Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. C. Robinson  E. B. p. 75.  |  Charleston S. C. Dec. 12" 1866.  Calls the attention of General Howard to a telegram from Raleigh N. C. stating that the "State Legislature accept the proffered assistance of the Freedmens Bureau for the destitute whites and blacks of the State. and repudiates any connexion or knowledge with such agreement.  Has written to Col. Bomford for information, and

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[[blank]]  |  [[blank]]  |  desires to be informed whether any authority exists for this statement.

December 26"  |  7  Smith Edw'd B. Agt. A. M. A.  E. B. P. 78.  |  New York Dec. 5" 1866.  States that there is an appropriation of one and a half million dollars for the purchase through the Bureau of clothing for the destitute: also that Gen. Howard has authorized the Asst. Com. of each State to purchase cloth in the State for womens and childrens clothes, to be issued to the destitute.

December 28" [[asterisk stamp]]  |  8  South Dept.. of the.  Robinson John C. Bvt. Maj. Gen.  |  Charleston S. C. December 26" 1866.  Replies to communication of Col. Bumford 22d inst in regard to the matter of apprenticing and in reply to communication of the Commissioner on the same subject 

January 4"  |  9  Sanders W. L.  E. B. p. 84. 
 |  Raleigh N. C. Dec. 31" 1866.  Requests that so much of the "Cotton" property as is now occupied by the Military authorities be restored to the owner.  Encloses letter from Gen. Ruger giving reasons for refusing the restoration of said property last May.

January 10"  |  10  Shaffer A. W. Capt.  E. B. p. 87.  |  Salisbury N. C. Jan. 1st 1867.  Forwards estimate of fuel required at Salisbury for the quarter ending March 31st 1866.

January 11"  |  11  Shaffer A. W. Capt.  E. B. p. 91.  |  Salisbury N. C. Jan. 6" 1867.  Asks for an equalization of the price at which fuel is commuted throughout the State by officers entitled thereto.

January 21"  |  12  South Dept. of. the.  Clous. J. W. Bvt. Capt. and A. A. A. G.  E. B. p. 98.  |  Charleston S. C. January 14: 1867.  Requests to be informed of the cause of the immense increase of rations issued to destitute whites and blacks during the ten days ending January 10" 67 and whether any measures have been taken by the civil authorities to provide for the maintenance of the destitute inhabitants of the State.



Transcription Notes:
(Entry 8: "Bumford" a misspelling of "Bomford") stars need adding Each [[asterisk stamp]] already indicates placement of "stars."