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1867 June 24" 13  [[asterisk stamp]]  | Vogell H. C. Agent &c. Filed  |  Raleigh, N. C. June 19" 67 Reports that he is out of County Stores and the demand for them increases.

June 28" 14 [[asterisk stamp]] | Vogell H. C. Agent &c. June 28th 67 by Ref'd to Col. Bomford with request for a guard  | Raleigh N. C. June 24" 67. Requests some kind of protection for the stores under his charge as he has no way of watching them.

July 5" 15 [[asterisk stamp]] | Vogell H. C. Agent &c. Filed | Raleigh, N. C. June 30" 67  Reports the Sanitary condition of his district is good.

July 9" 16 [[asterisk stamp]] | Vogell H. C. Agent B &c. Filed. | Raleigh N.C. July 1" 67  Reports the operations of his Dist. for the month of June 1867

Aug 14" 17  | Vogell H. C. Agent B. R. F. &c Aug. 14" 67. Forw'd to Com'r. approved  | Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 13" 67 Requests transportation to Humboldt Tenn. for Sukey Peartree.

Sept. 7"  18  |  Vogell H. C. Agent B. R. F. & A. L.  Sept 7' 67 Ref'd to Lt Porter. E. m. 314  |  Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 7" 67  States that Jack Lyons wishes to have his grand daughter Rosetta now with Mrs. Susan Wood returned to him

Sept. 21"  19  |  Vogles Alexander et al  Ret'd to F. A Fiske approved for $400  |  Salem N. C. Aug. 29" 67  Requests an appropriation of $400 to complete school house

Oct 10  20  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent BRF & AL.  E. m. 308.  |  Raleigh N. C. Oct 9" 67  Requests transportation for Amanda Jones and two children from Raleigh to Nashville Tenn.

Oct. 19"  21  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B. R. F. & A. L.  E. m. 332  |  Raleigh, N. C. Oct 15" 67  Requests transportation for [[Tersy?]] Hinton (destitute freedwoman from Augusta, Ga to Raleigh, N. C.

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Oct. 22"  22  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B. R. F. &c.  Oct. 22" 67. Forw'd approved.  |  Raleigh N. C. Oct. 21" 67  Requests transportation for Jane [[?]] from Raleigh N. C. to Nashville, Tenn.

Oct. 26"   23 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B R. F. &c.  E. m. 336-340  |  Raleigh N. C. Oct. 24" 67  Refers communication of G. Lewis complaining of his treatment by the civil authority, and states that it is a plan to drive him away.

Oct. 29"  24  |  Vogles E. A.  Oct. 29" 67. Ref'd to F. A. Fiske.  |  Salem, N. C. Oct. 22" 67  Requests an appropriation to aid in building school houses for freedmen at Salem and Winston, estimated $500. 

Nov. 4"  25  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent. B. R. F. &c  Nov 4" 67. Forwd Approved  |  Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 4" 67  Requests transportation for Henry Ray, and his wife Silvia from Raleigh, N. C. to Garnett City Kansas

Nov. 6"  26 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B. R. f. &c  Filed  E. m. 330.  |  Raleigh. N. C. Nov. 6" 67  Requests appointment of Wm W. Thomas, as clerk in his office at $100 per month

Nov. 12  27  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B. R. F. &c  Nov. 12" 67. Forw'd to claim Div.  |  Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 11" 67  Forwards application for pay and bounty of Abner Razor late Co. A. 21" U. S. C. T. by his widow [[China?]] Razor.

Nov. 15"  28  |  Vogell H. C.  Agent B. R. F. &c  Nov. 15" 67. Ref'd to Asst. Comr Va. " [[ditto for Nov.]] 29 " [[ditto for 67.]] Rec'd back with encl from Capt B. C. Cook. A. S. A. C. Va. stating that [[/]] & [[denied?]] the a/c - same day returned to H. C. Vogell. Agt. with reference to Cooks [[recd?]].  |  
Raleigh. N. C. Nov. 13" 67  Forwards case for action of [[Ashhouse?]] Hunter (cold) - claim against Chas. H. Talbot of Richmond, for $104 for labor 

Transcription Notes:
stars need adding