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Febry 22 389. [[asterisk stamp]]  |  War Dept. B. R. F. & A L  Haden. J. A. Lieut A D. C Filed.  |  Washington. DC. Jany 25/78 Forwards letter of A T. Moser applies to Gen. Howard for aid States he has put his plantation up for sale but cannot get a bid for it is 76 years old and has a wife 65. States he can write and would be glad to get some Office that he can fill. Thanks Genl Howard for past favors.

Febry 22.  390  |  Wilson Phillip and Others.  Febry 22. Refd to Rev. F. A. Fiske  |  Chesnut Grove. NC Febry 15-68  States that the Deacons of the African Church situated in Holloway Dist have concluded to build a house to be used as a School House and called New Bethel and petitions the Bureau for aid

Febry 22  391. [[asterisk stamp]]  |  War. Dept. B. R. F & A L.  Whittlesey E.  A. A. A. G.  Filed  |  Washington DC. Febry 3/68  Refers letter of P. Richardson who says as a member of the wardens of the poor for Anson Co. NC. submits for consideration of Genl. Howard that in consequence of great destitution of the South, their available expenses are entirely inadequate to meet the demands of both white and black indigents and therefore asks the Comr to make some allowances from the funds at his disposal for the suffering poor.  Whatever he allows them may be placed at the disposal of the Board of Wardens or Chair man of County Court.

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Febry 24  392.  |  War. Dept. B R. F. and A L  Howe. A P. Bvt. Maj Genl  Febry. 24. Refd. to Capt. Allan. Rutherford. for investigation and report.  EBp 399. 402. 404  |  Washington. D. C. Febry 20/68  Refers letter of Alice W. Curtiss who enquires for relief in case of heirs of late Rebecca Reed of Wilmington N. C.  Home and lot held in trust by Citizen of that place.  Deed in hands of E. A. Keith, a noted rebel.  Actual title in hands of Jno. Dawson, Adm. of one Miller Estate.  They will not deed to any but a white person.  Keith made Guardian, and the property deeded to him, but refuses to make the property over to the heirs.  Informs them it can only be done by a Sale.  Receives all the rent and pays none over to the heirs- Asks assistance to recover their first dues 

Febry. 24  393 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  War. Dept. B. R. F. & A L  Whittlesey E.  AAAG  Filed  |  Washington DC. Febry 14/ 68  Refers letter of W. W. Griffin. Chairman. Court of Wardens who makes known the deplorable condition of the Poor in his Parish and asks assistance of the General Govt. in relieving the same.

Febry 25  394 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  War. Dept. B. R. F. and A L.  Haden. J. A. Lieut. A. D. C.  Filed  |  Washington DC. Febry 19/68  Refers letter of R. J. Powell who reports much destitution in the State because of short crops &c.  Understands that the Commissioner had a quantity of desiccated vegetables at his disposal for distribution.  Proposes a plan by which they can be properly distributed so that the really destitute shall have all the benefit.  He will oversee the whole matter if the Com^r wishes.