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[[blank]]  |  [[blank]]  |  be allotted for church and school purposes. 

December 5" ^[[asterisk stamp]] | ^17 War Dept.  B. R. F. and A. L. office Chf. Qr. Mr. Whittlesy Henry Mr. Chf. Qr. Mr.  |  Washington. D. C. Dec. 3" 1866. Transmits transportation order No. 1851. for destitute freedpeople, on request of J. G. Dent.

December 6" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^18 War Dept. B. R. F. and A. L.  Ketcham. A. P.   A. A. A. G.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 4" 1866.  Requests that the Asst. Com. N. C. will forward on the 1st of Jan. 1867, a complete roster of all offices and civilian agents (to include contract physicians) on duty in the Bureau in the State of N. C.

December 6" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^19 Westcott George W.  |  Roanoke Island N. C.  Applies to have his land restored to him.

December 6"  |  ^20 Wilmington Library Association  EBp. 62.  |  Wilmington N. C. Apply for restoration of said library now held by Freedmens Bureau.

December 7 ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^21 White W^m F. Capt.  E. B. p. 63.  |  Augusta Geo. Nov. 6" 1866  Transmits report and affidavit of complaint of one Henry Clay (freedmen) who while in employ of commissary department was arrested for offences &c. and while enroute for Rome Ga. a box containing his wifes clothing was seized and retained.  Asks that it may be restored.

December 7 ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^22 Worth Jonathan Gov. of N. C.  E. B. p. 63.  |  Raleigh N. C. December 1st 1866.  Transmits a copy of complaint from Edgecomb Co. N. C. that armed bodies of colored  people are in the habit of assembling themselves for the purpose of drilling &c, to the detriment of good order and peace of that community.

December 8" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^23 War Department B. R. F. and A. L.  Ketcham A. P.  A. A. A. Gen.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 6" 1866.  Revokes the authority setting apart a portion of the Arsenal Grounds at Fayetteville N. C. for church and School purposes.

December 8" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^24 War Department B. R. F. and A. L.  Ketcham A. P.  A. A. A. Gen'l.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 5" 1866.  directs that the Surg. in chief B. R. F. and A. L.  State of

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[[blank]]  |  [[blank]]  |  N. C. make a thorough inspection of the Hospitals and Stations throughout the State

December 10"  |  ^25 Wolf Charles Capt. V. R. C.  E. B. p. 65.  |  Graham N. C. Dec. 7" 1866.  Reports a quantity of U. S. muskets are in possession of the Mayor of Graham N. C.

December 13" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^26 Worth Jonathan Gov. of N. C.  E. B. p. 66.  |  Raleigh N. C. Dec. 3" 1866.  Encloses a copy of complaint of the Mayor of Williamston against the freedpeople of that place.

December 14" ^[[asterisk stamp]] ^27 Worth Jonathan Gov. of N. C.  |  Raleigh N. C. Dec. 14" 1866.  Grants a respite in the case of a colored man, to be hung at Greensboro N. C. until such time as an investigation of the case can be made.

December 14" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^28 Worth Jonathan Gov. of N. C.  |  Raleigh N. C. Dec. 10" 1866  Encloses a copy of Resolutions of the Gen. Assembly, concerning the concerted action of the State Authorities, with the Bureau, in the issue of rations.

December 18" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^29 War Dept. Bu. R. F. and A. L.  Ketcham A. P.  A. A. A. G.  E. B. p. 81.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 14" 1866.  Requests that in the roster of officers &c on duty in the Bureau Jan. 1st 1866. the number date and source of the order, assigning officers to duty, be stated, and that the same information be given in the reports of changes made thereafter.

December 21" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^30 War Dept. B. R. F. and A. L.  Howard O O. Maj. Gen. Com.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 13" 1866.  Requests that a board be called, to fix upon the rent that shall be allowed the Baptist Female Seminary for use of the Guion Hotel, by the Bureau &c.

December 21" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^31 War Dept. Bu. R. F. and A. L.  Howard O. O. Maj. Gen. Com.  |  Washington D. C. Dec. 19" 1866.  Writes as to whether there is class legislation in the State to the  prejudice of the interests of freedmen.  Suggests that united action be had with the Governor in the appointment of a board of three persons, to examine all papers and witnesses in the case and express an opinion.  The same to be forwarded to the Commissioner for his action.