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May 22.  5  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eastmind Oscar. Agent. Filed |  Ashville NC. May 16. 1868  Requests transportation from Ashville to Raleigh, NC for [[Js? Jes? Jos?]]. Williams (Col'd) who was enticed away from home about two years since by soldiers & is unable to get employment. 

June 29  6  |  Ebecke. R. Clerk. June 29. Retd granted  |  Henderson, N. C June 27./68 Applies for permission to visit Raleigh on Wednesday July 1^st, 1868

July 5  7  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eastmond Oscar.  Agent. 
 Filed  |  Ashville NC. July 1^st 1868 Requests transportation from Ashville to Salisbury NC in order that she may be admitted into the Hospital & receive proper treatments of Sarah. Young

July 17- 8  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eaton. D. L. Actuary &c. Filed.  |  Washington D. C. July 15-1868 States that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees, Nat. Savings and Trust Co. a vote of thanks was given Gen. Miles for issuance of cir. No. 4. Also encloses Copies of letters to Rev. Tho^s Henderson & A. W. Shaffer. 

July 17.  9  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Ebecke. R. Clerk. Granted-Filed-  |  Henderson N. C. July 16' 1868-Applies for order to visit Haysville N. C. on off. business.  

July 22  10  |  Eastmond. Oscar. Agent. 22" July_ Ret^d granted.  |  Asheville. July 18" 1868.  Requests authority to employ a Clerk at a salary not to exceed forty dollars ($40.-) per month; his health is so poor that he cannot perform clerical duty himself. 

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Aug. 19^th  11  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Ebecke R. Clerk. B. R. F & A. L. Filed.  |  Henderson, N. C. Aug. 14^th 1868. Applies for permission to visit Raleigh on official business, and asks that transportation be furnished him by the Bureau.

Aug. 24"  12  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Ebecke R Clerk B R & A. L. Aug. 24^th Forwarded to Maj. Genl. Howard. Com^r. (Off. Chf. Q. M.) with recommendation that the transportation be issued &c. Recd back Aug 29^th Filed.  |  Henderson N. C. Aug 22^d 1868.   Forwards application of Lucy Hodgens for transportation to Grenada Miss. from Henderson N. C. where she will be provided for by her Father.  

Sept. 2^d  13  |  Eaton D. L. Actuary &c. Sept. 2^d transmitted to W. L. Miller  |  Washington Aug. 31^st 1868. In reply to communication of W. L. Miller & others of Charlotte N. C 24^th inst asking for permission to establish a Branch Bank at Charlotte N. C. States that they are acting with extreme caution in regard to the establishing of [[?]] Branches. Will furnish Books, Blanks, & instructions,  but no money. 

Oct. 1^st  14  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent. &c. Filed.  |  Asheville N. C. Sept. 29^th 1868. Requests authority to purchase 3 cords of Wood at $4.00 per Cord for the use of his office, for the 4^th Qr. of 1868. 

Oct. 13^th  15.  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent. Oct. 13^th Refd to Col. M. Cogswell USA in charge of Bureau Civil Affairs.  |   Asheville N. C. October 10^th 1868. Requests in behalf of the Registors of the County of Buncombe, to be informed whether their accounts for service rendered at the last Election held under the "Reconstruction Acts" have been allowed &c. 

Nov. 12^th  16.  |  Ebeck R. Clerk. Bureau R. &c Nov. 12^th returned-Granted.  |  Henderson, N. C. Nov. 11" 1868. Asks permission to visit the City of Raleigh &c.