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April 30 33. | McAlpine T. D. Agent April 30. Trans to Gen^l C. H. Howard recommending that authority be give to open a branch of Freedmen's Bank at Charlotte. | Charlotte. NC. April 18/68 Forwards letter of J. F. Schenk et. al. who requests that a Freedmen's Saving Bank be established at. Charlotte NC and recommend that certain persons be appointed to fill the different offices of the institution. with request and recommendation that authority for establishing a branch of the institution named be granted.

April 24 34 | Moore Stephan Agent April 30. Refd. to Rev. F. A. Fiske for remarks. EBp33. | New Bern. N.C. April 22/68 Forwards letter of David Heaton et. al. who petition for a a school House to be erected or placed at the corner of Pollock & Metcalfs Street in New Bern for colored children, there being no School for Col'd children in that locality Encloses proposal of S. Ratcliff & C^o States that Mr. R. Tucker. Col'd proposes to let them have the use of his ground and a building for 4 years. if the Bureau will pay for the removal and repairing of the building

April 24 35 | Moore Stephan [[partially erased]]Apr[[/partially erased]] Agent April 30 Refd. to Rev. F. A. Fiske for remarks EBp33 | New Bern N.C. April 22/68 Forwards letter of Robt. Mosely et. al. who proposes to give the use of a lot on Crooked. St. for the use of a colored school in the event of a building being erected thereon by the Bureau. and they further agree to support. a Teacher for said school

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April 29 36. * | Medlin P.P. Act'g Asst. Surg. April 30. Refd. to Col Johnston. who will make the necessary. arrangements for this accomodation of the Dispensary. May 13. Rec back. Recommended. Filed | Charlotte NC. April 25/68 Requests authority to hire a suitable room or house for Dispensary purposes. as the Building now used will be sold on the 4^th inst. Recommended by Maj J. W. Williams Surg in Chief

May 1^st 37 | Moore Stephan Agent May 1^st Ret'd Approved. | New Bern NC. April 29/68 Transmits consolidated rations return for destitute Freedmen of Craven & Jones Counties N.C. for months of May, 1868 for appro of Asst. Com^r

May 2. 38. | Moore Stephan Agent. May 2. Retd. Approved | New Bern. NC. April 30/68 Transmits herewith vouchers for April 1868. for approval of Asst. Commissioner

May. 2. 39 | Martin J. J. Filed | Martins [[?]] [[?]]. Apil 26/68 Sends the result of election in his County.  States that Capt. Hillebrant instigated a man to attack him with a Knife. & he would have done him much harm but. for the interference of friends.  Requests that said Hillebrant be removed as Freemen scarcely ever get their business attended to by him. Would like the position he occupies.

May 4 40 | Marshall, John M. Filed | Mount Airy NC Apil 30/68 Writes in reference to the destitute condition of his County and solicits. aid. and also refers to the Ku Klux Klan.