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Nov. 17.
105 * |
McAlpine T.D.
Filed. |
Charlotte N.C. Nov. 16th 1868
States in reference to closing the Genl. Hospital, that the local Authorities will receive the patients enumerated in the letter of the 6th inst. from Office of Asst. Comr. N.C.

Nov. 21st
106. * |
McAlpine T.D.
Bureau Officer.
Nov. 21st refd. to Bvt Lt. Col. Thos P. Johnson. Dec. 3" recd. back. Filed. |
Raleigh, N.C. Nov. 13th 1868.
Writes in reference to the Carpenter Work on the Biddle Institute. States that the funds appropriated is not sufficient to finish the work. Wishes to know what provisions will be made for the payment of the Contractors in case he is not there on the 1st of January next, &c &c.

Nov. 23d
107. |
Moore Stephen
Bureau Officer.
Nov. 23d returned. There are no more of the [[memorials ??]] requested on hand. |
New Bern. N.C. Nov. 20" 1868
Asks that he may be furnished with a few more Circulars in regards to the Howard Testimonial"

Nov. 24"
108 |
McKillip A. W.
Nov. 24" Refd. to Dr. J.B. White Surgeon in Chief. Nov 24" 68 Recd. Back Dep. with a/c made as reques & returned to Dr. White Returned with request that the a/c be made on Enclosed blanks & returned. |
Halifax N.C. Oct. 21st 1868.
Transmits account for Medical [[attention ??]] for himself for approval. Form No. 22 also receipts in duplicate of Wm H. Hill MD.

Nov. 28th
109. |
Moore Stephen
Bureau Officer
Nov. 28th refd to Capt. E. F. Lamberton for investigation and action. |
New Bern N.C. Nov. 26th 1868.
Forwards letter of Ann Mosely Colored of New Bern N.C. Nov. 21st who wishes to obtain Son, Robert, from one Benj. Merrill, residing near Oxford, Granville Co. N.C. States that Merrill took him from her on the 11th of April last without her knowledge or consent. Wishes to obtain compensation for his labor &c.

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Nov. 28th
110. * |
McKillip A.W.
File. |
Halifax N.C. Nov. 25th 1868.
Reports outrage commiteed by O P. Thrower, against one Edward Hamill Colored, on the 17th of Nov. near Heathsville, Halifax Co. N.C.

Dec. 4th
111 |
Moore Stephen
Bureau Officer.
Dec.4th refd. to Col. Thos. P. Johnston D.O. |
New Berne N.C. Dec. 2nd 1868.
Forwards (to Col. Thos. P. Johnson CQM & D.O) recommending that it be granted: letter of S.G. Sweatland, who asks for furniture for School Room, at that place.

Nov. 17th
112 * |
Myers W.W.
Filed |
Willmington N.C. N.C. Nov. 13the 1868.
Encloses vouchers for travelling expenses which were returned for correction. Calls attention to the fact of these vouchers being approved by Capt. Rutherford, the only Officer on duty at that post Requests that his last acct. for travelling expenses received early attention &c.

Dec. 5th
113 * |
McFarland Wm.
Agent &c
Filed. |
Wadesboro N.C. Dec. 2nd 1868.
Acknowledges receipt of Circular No. 10 Bureau Hd. Qrs. of Nov. 17" 1868. Asks to be retained as Asst. Supt. of Schools.

Dec. 7"
114 * |
Moore Stephen
Bureau Officer
Filed. |
New Bern N.C. Dec. 4" 1868.
Requests authority to purchase 1,000 ft of lumber and 20 lbs. of Nails for the Manufacturing of Coffins for diseased freedmen &c.

Dec. 7"
115 * |
Moore Stephen
Bureau Officer
Filed. |
New Bern N.C. Dec. 4" 1868.
Transmits account of P. Merwin for Corn Meal & Pork amounting to $79.08 with request that the may be furnished with an order authorizing the purchase &c.