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^[[Reach Grand Canyon]]

Aug. 23rd: On east end of Trumbull sketching the toro-weap.

Aug. 24th: Rode over to the summit of Mount Logan with Captain Dutton; afterwards to Oak Springs.

Aug. 25th: Visited Hurricane Ledge and a number of volcanic cones. Everywhere encountered graves and pottery fragments.

Aug. 26th and 27th: On geological studies.

Aug. 28th: Went down to the Grand Canyon. Got a glimpse of the magnificent spectacle and hurried back, there being no water within reach.

Aug. 29th: Climbed Mount Emma and made panoramas.

Aug. 30th: Again on Mount Logan.

Aug 31st: On Hurricane Ledge. Started on a three days trip to the Grand Canyon.

Sept. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th: Made sketches in camp. Spent several days about the rim of the canyon.
(Two pages of the note book lost.)

The sun had set behind the walls of the Grand Canyon, leaving the sky a wall of murky crimson. The winds arose and swept along the ledge behind the great pines. Before a group of cyclopean buttes seamed and pinnacled lifted their heads from the silent, somber depths into the light. Beyond a space lay in gloom, whose depth and width no man would dare to guess, rises a giant wall of dense red. Beyond this the shadows of the world, dark and blue, crept up the orange sky.
Sept. 17th: Left camp and set out for the Kaibab plateau.