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     Monte Alban 11

The main group is a Grand
Conception, [[insert]] & a magnificent ruin [[/insert]] a perfectly level
rectangular space 300 [[strike through]] by 900 [[/strike through]] feet
N & S. 900
East and West, occupying the Central
summit space, [[insert]] sits low in and [[/insert]] and inclosed by
a rectangle of terraces, buildings [[?]]
and pyramids [[strike through]] a [[?]] [[?]] [[/strike through]] which extend
to the outer range [[?]] of the
mountain descending all around by
carved terraces down to the steep [[insert]]& rocky [[/insert]] slopes.
[[Strike through]]Up the Mountain, [[/strike through]] Extending along the [[?]] [[?]], the view obstructs spaces, occupying in [[?]] this centerpiece from one [[?]] pyramids at the [[?]] is a clan of flat pyramids, re[[?]] south [[?]] down the great in [[?]] [[?]] from the outer world, 
Event - now a rich [[?]] - 
and along the fine perspective of

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