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[[preprinted]] 196 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] May 18, '97 [[/underlined]]
Zeta Tucanae 7239 1 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]]
Something like C [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]] Aquarii but differing in these respects.
H lines in this star are sharper, especially H Delta which looks particularly hazy in C3. The solar lines seem narrower and sharper.
H is narrower than in C [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]]
Here K & H are nearly equal whereas no C [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]], H is decidedly wider. This may be due to the haziness of the H lines in C [[subscript]] 3 [[/subscript]].
Zeta Tucanae looks very much like Beta Hydri but the H lines are slightly stronger in Zeta. H & K are about the same in both stars.
78[[strikethrough]] 04 [[/strikethrough]] 43 2 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]like 7719 2 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]Beta Hydri
7804 2 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] " [[ditto for: like]] Beta Hydri: with exceptions noted. These stars than in Alpha Aurigai, They seem slightly stronger in Zeta Tuc. than in Beta Hydri.

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[[preprinted]] 197 [[/preprinted]]

May 18, '97
Gamma Cor. Aust. 4780 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] like Zeta Tucanae.
[[underlined]] Theta Grucis [[/underlined]] 7207 1 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] Lines sharp. H & K narrow. G band barely seen. A great many solar lines are present. Looks more like Alpha Can. Min.
H & K are slightly wider however. H lines stronger.
5839 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] more like Delta Can. Maj. Lines are broader however.
X Sagittae 7057 1 [[superscript]] 3i [[/superscript]] Like Can. Maj.?
Theta Grucis ^[[A. G. C. 31380]] 5215 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] poor
A. G. C. 314437 also on plates. Like Zeta Tuc. focus poor.
A. G. C. 11334 Theta Chamaeleon 5432 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] poor few lines seen seem [[strikethrough]] Alpha Can. Maj.?[[/strikethrough]] Alpha Carinae?
" [[ditto for: A. G. C. 11405]] Other star on 5432 like Alpha Tauri?