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[[preprinted]] 150 [[/preprinted]]

April 16, 1897.
chi 6511 mu Carinae taken May 10, 1895.

7380 Mch 23, 1896
See preceding page.

7416 April 8, 1896
H delta of faint star ^[[has]] 0.09 shorter w'lgth than 4227 of m.

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 151 [[/preprinted]]

April 16, 1897

[[strikethrough]] Delta [[/strikethrough]]
sigma Can. Maj. 6233.
Like alpha Tauri? Shading like delta Sag.
4227 as strong.
H beta  & H gamma stronger.
G band broken up but not sharp.
When is plate 4513?
8204 has not come from Peru.