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[[preprinted]] 170 [[/preprinted]]

May 4 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 97
lambda Sag. 5197 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] very poor. Like tau 4 Erid.

phi Phoen. 5202 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]
Like alpha Orionis approaching next group

phi Phoen 5261.

eta Sculptoris 5295 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] very poor & narrow.

phi Phoen 5302 1 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]
Like tau 4 Erid

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[[preprinted]] 171 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] May 5 97 [[/underlined]]
phi Phoen 5302 1 [[superscript]] "3" [[/superscript]]
Like alpha Orionis, with the exception that H lines are much weaker, and 4227.0 stronger.

theta Apodis 4067
Lesser-looking no lines seen cloudy Is it forest or is the star flutted? It looks at any rate beyond alpha Orionis

eta Scorpius 5341 poor.
Under alpha Orionis?

gamma Hydri 5485 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]
alpha Orionis, [[strikethrough]] good typical plate. [[/strikethrough]] This spectrum looks very much like gamma Phoen. or seems intermediate bet. alpha Tauri & alpha [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] Orionis.
The breaks are sharper than in gamma Phoen. and there are other slight differences. The near bright band is fainter than I or II