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[[preprinted]] 18 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] A.G.C. 8658 [[/margin]]
[[margin]] π Can. Maj. [[/margin]]

Dec. 8 1897
χ5330,5 π Can. Maj.
K = 1, 1H = 3 Hδ.
Line 4302 seen but in poor focus.
Like γ Doradus.

[[margin]] " 8646 [[/margin]]
K = 0.3H = o.3Hδ, Hyd lines very
broad. A few solar lines see bet. Hβ
and Hγ.
[[margin]] " 8602 [[/margin]]
Like β Centauri

[[margin]] D.M_18° 1591 [[/margin]]
K=H=1.5 Hδ. Very poor focus.

[[margin]] "_18° 1594 [[/margin]]
Too faint.

[[margin]] A.G.C. 17411 [[/margin]]
χ6295, [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] β Crucis
Like β Centauri.

χ73645 β Crucis
This appears to be exactly like β Cent. χ5663,
except λ4 [[strikethrough]] 80 [[/strikethrough]] 089 is here stronger

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]]

Dec. 8, 1897.
χ7632 [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]] [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] β Crucis.
Def. too poor.

χ4192 β Crucis.
Differs from ε Orionis χ4041 only
at [[??]] of Hδ
4089 is about 0.6 as strong as in ε Or.
41116 is   "  0.2  "   "     "  " "  "

χ7633 [[subscript]] 2 [[subscript]] [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] β Crucis
Severak exposures in poor focus
Probably a focus plate

χ7524 [[subscript]] 2 [[subscript]] [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] β Crucis
Too dense

other star-

χ7402 [superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] β Crucis
Like β Centauri.
χ4116, if present, is very faint.

Transcription Notes:
Not entirely sure how Bayer designations/Greek letters are handled. ? or Pi? ? or Chi? ? or Delta? I've been spelling them out but this looks more professional!