Viewing page 9 of 110

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[[preprinted]] 16 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] April 19, 1898 [[/underline]]

X 8607 [[subscript]] 2 [[/subscript]][[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] theta Arae.
Lines are of different intensities from beta Centauri.

Lines seen

H beta
[[4705,4697 {]] very faint 
4641 Much more intense than in epsilon Or., here it = (0.8) 4649
4630 = 0.7 (4649) more intense than in beta Cent.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 17 [[/preprinted]]
April 19, 1898.
X 8651 theta Arae

H beta = 25
4725 = 7
4712 = 3
4705 = 1
4697 = 1
4675 = 2
4661 = 2
4649 = 4
4641 = 4
4630 = 3
4619 = 1 1/2
4611 = 1
4603 = 1
4598 = 1
4591 = 1
4576 = 3
4568 = [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 3
4553 = 4
4542 = 0
4531 = 1
4481 = 3
4471 = 10
[[4415, 4417 {]] strong = 4
4387 = 8
4350 = 2 or 3

Transcription Notes:
Entries grouped by braces { transcribed as single line within [[ ]]