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[[underline] April 22, 1898. [[/underline]]

X 6849 1 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] beta & gamma Arae
Gamma - lambda 4089 is very faint.
All lines are broad.

beta - Also shows broad lines, poorly defined

[[margin]]A.G.C.23459[[/margin]]  Probably K

[[margin]]"23603[[/margin]]  Probably K

[[margin]]"23656[[/margin]]  Probably B8A
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April 22, 1898.

X 4887 1 [[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] beta Arae
Gamma - Lines broad
Beta - K or K2M

[[margin]]A.G.C.23603 mag. 6.6 [[/margin]]  Probably K.  G bands seen, also lambda 4326 and H gamma.
H gamma appears slightly fainter than 4326.
The image shows no other hues, except possibly 4227.  It is either G5K or K.

[[margin]]A.G.C.23459 mag. 6.4[[/margin]]  Sp. K

Why is A.G.C. ^[[2303 may.6.6]] given in S. M. P. when A.G.C. 23469 ^[[Mag.6.4]] and 23656 ^[[Mag 6.6]] are not given

The spectra of the two latter stars are brighter also than that of A.G.C.23603