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[[preprinted]] 2 [[/preprinted]]

[[underline]] Wednesday, May 17, 1899 [[/underline]]

Determination of the wave-lengths of lines in red in alpha Crucis measured in C.S.M. 17, p. 51. Same formula used as on preceding page.
c = -88577
Log d = 3.48387 eta
x = distance from lambda 5172.9 in alpha Scorpii reading 66845

Measures | 50242 | 53797 | 70687 | 71655 | 74109 | 74778
x | +16603 | +13048 | -3842 | -4810 | -7264 | -7933
Log x | 4.22019 | 4.11554 | 3.58456 eta | 3.68215 eta | 3.86118 eta | 3.89944 eta
x + c | -71974 | -75529 | -92419 | -93387 | -95841 | -96510
log xd | 7.70406 eta | 7.59941 eta | 7.06843 | 7.16602 | 7.34505 | 7.38331
log (x + c) | [[underline]] 4.85717 eta | 4.87811 eta | 4.96576 eta | 4.97029 eta | 4.98155 eta | 4.98457 eta
log y | 2.84689 | 2.72130 | 2.10267 eta | 2.19573 eta | 2.3635 eta | 2.39874 eta [[/underline]]
y | 702.9 | 526.4 | -126.7 | 156.9 | -230.9 | -250.5
|    | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 
|    | "9" | "8a" | "6" | "4" | "2?" | "1"

Computation checked by I.E.W., June 15, '99

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]]

[[chart continued from previous page; line up correctly in final version]]

Image "1" of alpha Crucis measured in C.S.M. 17, p.50 [[lines drawn to Sp. 1 on top of 3 columns

   | Sp.1 | Sp. 1 | Sp. 1 |    
73508. | 49997 | 50566 | 70340 | 76935
-6 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 663 | +16848 | +16279 | -3495 | -10090
382367 eta|4.22655|4.21162|3.54345 eta|4.00389 eta
-95240 | -71729 | -72298 | -92072 | -98667
7.30754 | 7.71042 eta | 7.69549 eta | 7.02732 | 7.48776
[[underline]] 4.97882 eta | 4.85569 eta | 4.85913 eta | 4.96413 eta | 4.99417 eta [[/underline]]
2.32872 eta | 2.85473 | 2.83636 | 2.06319 eta | 2.49359 eta
-213.2|715.7 | 686.1 | -115.7 | -311. [[strikethrough]] 59 [[/strikethrough]] 6
[[underline]] [[strikethrough]] 5040.3 [[/strikethrough]] 5192.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 5172.9 | 
4959.7 | 5888.6 | 5859.0 | 5057.2 | 4861.3
   | "10" | "8" | "7" | H beta