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^[[Not to be checked]]

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[[underline]] Friday, May 19, 1899 [[/underline]]

Reduction of beta Columbae measured in C.S.M. 17, p. 90

^[[Formula not used since the results do not apr. closely with solar lines]]

c = -92518
log d = 3.2498 [[strikethrough]] 09 [[/strikethrough]] 1 eta
x = dist. from H gamma, reading 100000

measures | 54474 | [[strikethrough]] 58486 [[/strikethrough]] 62615 | 62925 | 68355 | 68642 | 68821
x | +45526 | +37385 | +37075 | +31645 | +31358 | +31179
log x |    |   |   |    | 4.49635 |    
x + c |    |   |   |    | -61160|   
log xd |    |   |   |    | [[strikethrough]] 4.78647 eta [[/strikethrough]] 7.74616 eta |    
log (x + c) |    |   |   |    | [[underline]] 4.78647 eta [[/underline]] |    
log y |   |   |   |    | 2.95969
y |    |   |   |    | 911.4
  |   |   |   |   |[[underline]] 4340.7 [[/underline]]
  |   |   |   |    | 5252.1

lambda |   |   |   |   | 5172.9

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[[line up column lines with previous page to make long table]]

72446 | 78220 | 85264 | 93135 | 100000 | 113559
+27554 | +21780 | +14736 | +6865 | 0 | -13559
   |    | 4.16838 |   |   |   
   |   | -77782 |   |   |   
   |   | 7.41819 eta |   |   |   
   |   | [[underline]] 4.89088 eta [[/underline]] |   |   |   
   |   | 2.52731 |   |   |   
   |   | 336.8 |   |   |   
   |   | [[underline]] 4340.7 [[/underline]] |   |   |   
   |   | 4677.5 |   |   |   
   |   | 4668.0 |   |   |