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[[preprinted]] 6 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Thursday, June 1. 1899 [[/underlined]]

Reductions of measures of beta Crucis in C.S.M. 
No. 17. p. 94
log d=3.48387 m
x= dist. from 5172.9 in alpha Scorpii, reading 66845

Measures | [[strikethrough]] 53877 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 71752 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 70744 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 72255 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 74123 [[/strikethrough]]
x | [[strikethrough]] +12968 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -4907 [[/strikethrough] | [[strikethrough] -3899 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -5410 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -7278 [[/strikethrough]]
log x | [[strikethrough]] 4.11287 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 3.69082 n [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 3.59095 n [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 3.73320 n [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 3.86201 n [[/strikethrough]] 
x+c | [[strikethrough]] -34700 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] -75609 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -93484 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -92476 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -93987 [[/strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] -95855 [[/                                       "4"  "6" "3" "2"
new values [down & corrected]71672 70674
72195 74103
To be confirmed.
Computation checked by I.E.N.? June 15 1899

Thursday, journal , 1899
Reductions of measures of Beta Crucis C.S.M.17
Uncorrected measures need
C= -98367
log d= 3.43319n
4= dist. from line 4861.5 measure, 76857
measure = 53707    71582 72105 74023 74721
4       =+23150  + 5275  +4752 +2834 +2136
log4 4.36455 3.72222 3.67688 3.45240 3.32960