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[[underline]] Saturday, June 3, 1899 [[/underline]]

Reduction of measures of beta Crucis. C.S.M. 17, p. 94

c= -88577
x = 66845_measure
log d= 3.4887 n.
x = dist. from 5172.9 in alpha Scorpii, reading 66845
log y = log xd - log ([x+c)

Measure | 70674 | 7162 | 72195 | 74103 | 74796
x | -3829 | -4827 | -5350 | -7258 | -7951
log x | 3.58309n | 3.68368n | 3.72835n | 3.86082n | 3.90042n
x+c | -92406 | -93404 | -93927 | -85835 | -96528
log xd | 7.0 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 696 | 7.16755 | 7.21222 | 7.34469 | 7.38429
log (x + c) | 4.96570n | 4.97037n | 4.97279n | 4.98152n | 4.98465n
log y | 2.10126n | 2.19718n | 2.23943n | 2.36317n | 2.39964n
y | -126.3 | -157.5 | -173.6 | -230.8 | -251.0
5172.9 y = lambda | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]]
   | [[strikethrough]] 5299.2 [[/strikethrough]] 5046.6 | 5015.4 | 4999.3 | 4942.1 | 4921.9
Line | 6 | 4| 3 | 2 | 1

Computation made by M.C.S. June 6, 1899.
"[[ditto for Computation]] checked "[[ditto for by]] I.E.W. "[[ditto for June]]13, "[[ditto for 1899]]

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Saturday, June 3, 1899

Cont. of Reduction of measure of beta Crucis in C.S.M. 17, p.94. by formula of preceding page

[[strikethrough]] c= -101498 
log d = 3.44599n 
x = distance from 4861.5 reading [[/strikethrough]]

75333 | 75946 | 70672 | 76921
-8488 | -9101 | -3827 | -10076
3.92881n | 3.95909n | 3.58286n | 4.00329n
-97065 | -97678 | -92404 | -98653
7.41268 | 7.44296 | 7.06673 | 7.48716
4.98706n | 4.98980n | 4.96569n | 4.99411n
2.42562n | 2.45316n | 2.10104n | 2.49305n
-266.5 | -283.9 | -126.2 | -311.2
[[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]] | [[underline]]5172.9[[/underline]]
4906.4 | 4889.0 | 5046.7 | 4861.7
1 [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] b|1 [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] a|6|H beta
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