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Saturday, June 3, 1899.

Reductions of measures of epsilon Canis Majoris in C.S.M. 17. p. 52.
Uncorrected measures used
c = -92898 log y = log xd - log (x+c)
log d = 3.43971n x = 78438-measure
x = dist. from 4861.5 reading  78438

measure | 76438 | 75786 | 73904 | 73514 | 73013 | 72595 | 90144 | 89137
x | +2000 | +2652 | +4534 | +4924 |+5425 | +5843 | -11706 | -10699
log x | 3.30103 | 3.42357 | 3.65648 | 3.69232 | 3.73440 | 3.76664 | 4.06841n | 4.02934n
x+c | -90898 | -90246 | -88364 | -87974 | -87473 | -87055 | -104604 | -103597
log xd|6.74074n | 6.86328n | 7.09619n | 7.13203n | 7.17411n | 7.20635n | 7.50812 |  7.46905
log(x+c)| 4.95855n | 4.95543n | 4.94628n | 4.94435n | 4.94187n |  4.93979n | 5.01955n | 5.0153[[strikeout]]2[[/strikeout]]5n
log y | 1.78219 | 1.90785 | 2.14991 | 2.18768 | 2.23224 | 2.26656 | 2.48857n | 2.45370n
y | +60.56 | +80.88 | +141.2 | +154.1 | +170.7 | +184.7 | -308.01 | -284.27 |4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5 | 4861.5
4861.5+y   4922.1 | 4942.4 | 5002.7 | 5015.6 | 5032.2 | 5046.2 | 4553.5 | 4577.2
                 |        |             |        |        |         |        |         |
line | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |  | 
  |  |  | double line|   |   |  |
  |  |  | best seen in |   |   |  |
  |  |  | this spectrum|   |   |  | 

compilation made by M.C.S. June 6. 1899
"[[ditto for compilation]] checked "[[ditto for by]] J.E.H. "[[ditto for June]] 13, "[[ditto for 1889]]

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4.94187n|4.93979n|5.01955n|5.0153 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 5n
+170.7|+184.7|-308.0 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]]|-284.2 [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]]
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