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[[preprinted]] 8 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] April 5, 1907 [[underlined]]

Search for 156.190 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[strikethrough]] 6 1h 23m 56s +
50[[degree symbol]] 22' 12" (1906)
See letter N Millosevich to Professor
Pickering, dated Mch 22, 1907

Variable marked in I 28074

Bright Faint
Dec. 15, 1901 I28074 I9393 notseen Sept.4,1893 
Dec. 30, 1902 I29749 I3252 visible, very faint

Ac 8000 taken Nov. 10, 1906, this star so is seen
but very faint
AC 8022  taken Nov. 16, 1906 shows the star but it is quite faint.
According to Millosevich, it was Mafn.[[guess]] 8.5 on Nov. 6, 1906, 8.7 on
Nov. 13, and 9.0 on Nov. 20, 1906.
AC 7771, taken Sept. 1, 1906, star n. S L10
{See A. N. 173, 311
{Also " [[ditto for: A. N.]] 174, 95
AC 2045, taken Dec., 4, 1901, shows this star of medium bugu[[?]]ness,[[wild guess]] but considerably fainter than on I 28074, taken Dec. 15, 1901,

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[[preprinted]] 9 [[/preprinted]]

Saturday - [[underlined]] April 6, 1907 [[/underlined]]

E[[?]]t[[?]] of 156, 1904 by Mrs[[guess]] Henry
1 32 I 3252 March 7 1891 [[?]] 10 11.5 1
I 9393 Sept. 4 1893 20 <12 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 2
I 28074 Dec 15, 1901 21 10.0 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4
AC 2095 Dec 4, 1901 61 110 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3
AC 8022 Nov 16, 1906 66 113 7
I 29749 Dec 30, 1902, 2 15 105 5
AC 8000 Nov 10, 1906 48 110 6