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[[underlined]] Jan. 8, 1908 [[/underlined]]

[[check mark]] C17118 H.P. 3889

B8H? [[could be A but likely H]]
H beta wide and hazy. Lines very indistinct

[[check mark]] c17135 H.P. 4146
     A? Lines burned out 

[[check mark]] (2) +0 degrees 4999 7.2m
     K < H ?
     Look up on [[strike through]] B [[strike through]] I | plate.

[[check mark]] c17136 H.P. 4178
  A5F Lines burned out. Another photograph needed.

[[check mark]] c17137 H.P. 677

Probably A Pec
M lines distinctly seen except hydrogen and 4128-31

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 13 [[/preprinted]]

Jan 8, 1908

[[check mark]] C17138 H.P. 731
H beta off the plate
B9H or H. Too poor [[could be A but likely H]]

[[check mark]] (2) H.P. 722
 A 5 F
C17139 delta Ceph.
Not ident.

[[check mark]] C17141 H.P. 773
K. very dense

[[check mark]] C17180 H.P. 4183
1 st type [[?]] lines burned out.

[[check mark]] C17181 H.P. 3903
K is narrower + fainter than H epsilon. Otherwise the spectrum appears to be A5F.