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Circular 137

New Variable Stars
Map 43      18 ^[[h]] -30 degrees [[strikethrough]] (also 3 in Map 31) [[/strikethrough]]

No. A.J.C. | Found in | C.D.M. 1875 | C.P.D. mag. 1875 | B.D. 1855 | R.A. 1875 | Dec. 1875
34 | AM 4311 | -23 degrees 14922 | [[strikethrough]] -23 degrees 7337 probably comp. ? [[/strikethrough]] 9.1 |   | 18 52 6.7 | -23 52.1
35 | AM 4311 | -25 degrees 13054 | 8.9 |   | 18 14 24.1 | -25 17.6
36 | AM 4311 |   | -29 degrees 5883 10.2^m |   | 18 59 41.5 | -29 3.4
37 | AM 4311 | -34 degrees 13135 | 9.5 |   | 18 41 23.2 | -34 49.0
38 | AM 4311 |   |   | -19 degrees 4945 | (1855) 18 8 28.2 | -19 7.2
39 | AM 4311 | -23 degrees 14072 | 7.4 |   | 18 5 27.4 | -23 8.7
40 | AM 4311 | -23 degrees 14026 | 9.6 |   | 18 3 16.0 | -23 42.3
41 | AM 4311 |   | 8.7 | -16 degrees 4859 (1855) 18 16 20.8 | -16 52.4
42 | AM 4954 | -29 degrees 14636 | 9.0 |   | 18 4 13.9 | -29 53.1
43 | AM 4954 |   |   |   | 17 45 48.0 | -34 19.2
44 | AM 4954 | not in C.D.M. | -40 degrees 8479 10.2 |   | 18 ^[[h]] 0 27.8 | -40 13.1
45 | AM 4954 | -42 degrees 13498 | 9.9 |   | 18 31 50.4 | -42 degrees 21.0
[[strikethrough]] known | AM 4954 | -32 degrees 12429 | 7.5 |   | 17 3 10.7 | -32 10.2 7.8 [[/strikethrough]] 
[[strikethrough]] 47 [[/strikethrough]] 46 | AM 2916 |   | 8.5 | -12 degrees 5045 | (1855) 18 17 22.7 | -12 46.3 [[strikethrough]] 8.5 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] 48 [[/strikethrough]] 47 | AM 2916 | -23 degrees 13773 | 9.4 |   | 17 53 24.0 | -23 0.9
[[strikethrough]] 48 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 49 [[/strikethrough]] 
[[strikethrough]] 49 50 [[/strikethrough]] 48 | AM 2916 | -33 degrees 12638 | 9.4 |   | 17 48 3.3 | -33 47.6
[[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]] 49 | AM 2916 | -37 degrees 12045 | 9.3 |   | 17 50 45.7 | -37 52.0
50 | AM 2916 | [[strikethrough]] -20 degrees 5283 [[/strikethrough]] | 9.1 | -20 degrees 5283 | (1855) 18 42 6.6 | -20 26.2
51 | AM 2085 |   |   | (1855) 18 2 42.8 | -16 29.3
52 | AM 2085 |   | 9.4| -19 degrees 5148 | (1855) 18 36 3.4 | -19 32.2
53 | AM 2085 |   | 7.4 | -18 degrees 4799 | (1855) 17 59 55.6 | -18 34.0
54 |   |   |   |   | (1855) 18 9 7.4 | -13 6.7
58 |   |   |   |   | 17 45 30.0 | -34 22.1

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New Variables marked in AM 3599
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R.A. 1900 | Dec. 1900 | Br. | Ft. | Constellation
18 53 37.9 | -23 50.2 |   |   | Sagittarius B 14088
18 15 56.7 | -25 17.1 | 8.6 | AM 4311 10.8 | Algol type Sagittarius
19 [[strikethrough]] 2 31.9 [[/strikethrough]] 1 16.1 | [[strikethrough]] -28 59.5 [[/strikethrough]] -29 1.2 | 9: | <12 | II Sagittarius
18 43 2.9 | -34 degrees 47.5 |   |   | Sagittarius B 13536
18 11 7.3 | [[strikethrough]] -18 34.9 -19 6.0? [[/strikethrough]] -19 6.6 |   |   | Sagittarius B 17440
18 6 58.5 | [[strikethrough]] -22 degrees 56.8 [[/strikethrough]] -23 degrees 8.5 |   |   | Sagittarius
18 4 47.5 | -23 degrees [[strikethrough]] 8.5 [[/strikethrough]] 42.2 | 4388 9.5 | 4311 10.2 | Algol [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] Sagittarius
18 18 57.2 | -16 degrees [[strikethrough]] 51.3 [[/strikethrough]] 50.7 |   |   | Sagittarius B 19243
18 5 49.9 | -29 degrees [[strikethrough]] 43.8 [[/strikethrough]] 52.9 | B 21077 9.6 | B 16883 10.7 | .. Sagittarius
17 4 [[strikethrough]] 6 16.4 [[/strikethrough]] 7 27.6 | [[strikethrough]] -33 degrees 48.2 50.2 [[/strikethrough]] 34 19.7 | 4388 9.5 | < | [[strikethrough]] Sagittarius [[/strikethrough]] Nova Scorpii B 19170
18 2 12.9 | -40 degrees 1 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 3.1 | 4388 10.2 | 4954 10.9 | Corona Australis B 14039
18 33 37.4 | -42 degrees 19.8 |   |   | Algol Corona Australis B 4990

18 19 54.5 | -12 45.2 |   | - | Scutum B 25391
17 54 55.0 | -23 1.1 | AM 3597 8. [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7 | AM 2261 10.1 | Algol Sagitta

17 49 42.5 | -33 48.0 | 3537 9.5 | AM 4388 11.0 | Short? [[strikethrough]] Sagittarius [[/strikethrough]] Scorpius B 32491
17 52 28.5 | -37 52.3 |   |   | Corona Australis B 32491
18 44 46.9 | -20 23.5 |   |   | Sagittarius B 9880
18 [[strikethrough]] 4 8.5 [[/strikethrough]] 5 18.9 | 16 29.1 |   |   | Sagittarius
18 38 42.7 | -19 29.8 |   |   | Sagittarius B 25391
18 2 34.0 | -18 34.0 |   |   | Sagittarius B 16414
18 11 39.6 | -13 6.1 |   |   | Scorpius
17 47 9.6 | -34 22.6 |   |   | Scorpius SY B 16448 Sp. comp. of admble. var. at max. is equal to companion at min. it gives on the plates