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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]]
Circular No. 15
Map No. 49   region 9 ^[[h]] -60[[degree symbol]]
New variable Stars

No. | Found in | DM | Mg. | R.A. 1875 | Dec. 1875
[[strikethrough]] 74 | AM 1897[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]75 | " [[/strikethrough]] 
76 | AM 1897 | C.D.M. -43[[degree symbol]] 4474 | 7.8 7 1/2 (G.C.) | 8 32 43.0 | -43 40.8
77 | " " | [[strikethrough]] C.P.D. -48[[degree symbol]] 2377 [[/strikethrough]] C.D.M. -48 4613 | 9.9 | [[strikethrough]] 9 16 0.8 | -48 59.9 [[/strikethrough]] 9 16 1.0 | -48 59.9
78 | " " | C.D.M. -46[[degree symbol]] 4498 | 9.0 8 3/4 (G.C.) | 8 39 31.8 | -46 57.2
79 | " " | C.D.M. -49[[degree symbol]] 4469 | 9.6 | 9^[[h]] 27 15.7 | -49 6.2
80 | " " | C.DM -50[[degree symbol]] 4168 | 9.6 | 9 23 16.2 | -50 31.5
81 | " " | C.DFM -50[[degree symbol]] 3533 | 9.7 | 8 41 3.7 | -50 6.5
82 | " " | C.P.D. -52[[degree symbol]] 3245 | 8.8 | 10 2 55.5 | -52 38.9
83 | " " | C.P.D. -56[[degree symbol]] 3777 | 9.4 | 10 41 7.4 | -56 53.4
84 | " " | C.P.D. -57[[degree symbol]] 32 [[strikethrough]] 29 [[/strikethrough]] 38 | 9.8 | 10 22 [[strikethrough]] 10.2 [[/strikethrough]] 21.7 | -57 [[strikethrough]] 39.9 [[/strikethrough]] 38.3
85 | " " | C.P.D. -60[[degree symbol]] 1856 | 9.1 | 10 17 7.0 | -60 26.6
86 | " " | C.P.D. -69[[degree symbol]] 756 | 10.2 | 7 38 1.5 | -69 15.4
87 | " " | C.D.M. -49[[degree symbol]] 4237 | 10 | 9 10 7.5 | -49 15.3
88 | AM 5351 | C.D.M. -50[[degree symbol]] 4012 | 9.7 | 9 14 48.1 | -50 2.3
89 | " " | C.D.M. -50[[degree symbol]] 3870 | 8.2 7 1/2 G.C. | 9 4 14.9 | -50 56.3
90 | " " | C.P.D. -54[[degree symbol]] 3497 | 8.3 | 10 15 59.9 | -54 41.6
91 | " " | " | " | 10 9 21.5 | -60 15.9
92 | AM 4193 | C.P.D. -54[[degree symbol]] 30 [[strikethrough]] 93 [[/strikethrough]] 79 | 9.9 | [[strikethrough]] 10 0 30.3 | -54 34.1 [[/strikethrough]] 9 59 53.3 | -54 35.8
93 | AM 4126 | C.D.M. -45[[degree symbol]] 4490 | 8.4 | 8 40 41.4 | -45 53.2
94 | " " | C.P.D. -71[[degree symbol]] 873 | 9.4 | 9 44 19.0 | -71 37.9
95 | " 1897 | " | " | 9 44 31.0 | -58 57.3

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 13 [[/preprinted]]

R.A. 1900 | Dec. 1900 | Br. | Ft. | Marked on | Constell. |   |   |   |   | [[strikethrough]] B 10490 | Vela [[/strikethrough]] 

8^h 33 34.7 [[strikethrough]] -43 46.0 [[/strikethrough]] | -43 degrees 46.0 |   |   | B 10490 | Vela | 76
9 16 52.6 | -49 6.2 |   |   | B 31185 | Vela | 77
8 40 21.1 | -47 2. [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 6 |   |   |B 20879 | Vela | 78
9 28 81 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 7 | -49 12.8 |   |   | B 31185 Vela | 79
9 24 7.4 | -50 [[strikethrough]] 37.9 [[/strikethrough]] 38.0 |   |   | B31185 | Vela | 80
8 41 50.0 | -50 11.9 |   |   | B 20879 | Vela | 81
10 3 50.9 | -52 46.2 |   |   | B 36008 | Vela | 82
10 42 [[strikethrough]] 6.7 [[/strikethrough]] 7.4 | -57 1.3 |   |   | B 12743 | Carina | 83
10 23 16.7 | -57 45.9 | 13861 | 7492 | B 12743 | Carina | 84
10 17 58.0 | -60 34.1 |   |   | B 12741 | Carina | 85
7 37 57.5 | -69 18.9 | 18014 | 10797 | B 19108 [[strikethrough]] Ft. 10797 | Carina [[/strikethrough]] | Volans | 86
9 10 58.1 | -49 21.5 | 18418 | 21212 | B 31185 | | Vela | 87
9 15 38.6 | -50 8.6 | 22626 | 18418 | B 18418 | Vela | 88
9 5 3.1 | -51 2. [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 0 | [[strikethrough]] 5056 | 18418 [[/strikethrough]] 18418 | [[strikethrough]] 18418 [[/strikethrough]] 5056 | B 18418 | Vela | 89
10 16 [[strikethrough]] 56.0 [[/strikethrough]] 55.9 | -54 49.1 | [[strikethrough]] 22807 [[/strikethrough]] 33094 | [[strikethrough]] 33094 [[/strikethrough]] 22807 | B 33094 | Vela | 90
10 10 11. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 5 | -60 23. [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 3 | 38789 | A 21112 | 38789 | Carina | 91
10 0 46. [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 3 | -54 43.0 | 27136 | Ft. 16505 | B 27136 | Vela | 92
8 41 31.9 | -45 58.6 | 15496 | 12805 | B 24964 | Vela | 93
[[strikethrough]] 9 45 20 | -59 4.4 [[/strikethrough]] 9 44 [[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] 39.7 | -71 44.8 | 12540 | 36029 | B 12540 | Carina | 94
9 45 [[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]] 18 | -59 4. [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 2 |   |   | B 12784 ns B 12380 |   | 95
|   |   |   |   | A 4256 " A 7244 |   |   |