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[[preprinted]] 18 [[/preprinted]]

a= C.P.D. 7330

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[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] April 7, 1908 [[/underlined]]

Measures of the stars assumed to be A.F. Cat.
Comb. 2992
A 2937

|   | x|y|x|y|Mean x|Mean y|Diff x|Diff y|Diff x X 4.436

2983|3.31|9.81|3.33|9.89|3.32|9.85|[[strikethrough]] -12.42 [[/strikethrough]] -7.58|+0.03|-33.62


2990|8.68|1 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 0.50|8.71|[[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 10.51|8.70|10.50|-2.20|+0.68|-9.76

2992?|10.90|9.81|9.83|10.90|9.82|   |   |   |

images very long distorted
2990 double middle point of two stars measured.

(2991) [[equation]]  (2993) [[equation]]
(2985) [[equation]]  (2990) [[equation]]
(2998) [[equation]]

Sec +25° 38.4 = 1/90153 = 1.109 x 4 = 4.436
1875.0 Mean position of 2992? (or star assumed by A.J.C. to be 2992)
6^[[h]] 1' 28.55" +25° 40' 18.5" (rejecting 2990 declination)
                  +25° 401 16.5" (using 2990 declination)