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[[preprinted]] 24 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] April 22, 1908 [[/underlined]]

Region 6^[h] +60°

AC 4840 superposed on D 13325 = AC 4417

1. No. 70  Fainter on [[strikethrough]] positive [[/strikethrough]]
Marked on I 807
+65° 613  7^[h] 57^[m] 28^[s] +65° 39.0  9.1
Ft. on 5683, Bright on 7206
New?  Not in catalogue
[[strikethrough]] Conf. [[/strikethrough]] Br. in I 28528  Varies about 0.8 magn.

Br. on I 16791, I 5826, I 21907

9.2m on AC [[strikethrough]] 5540 [[/strikethrough]] 4417, 7206
10. [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1 on AC 5683
9.9 on AC 4840
Ft. on I 19754

2. Known  RU Camelop.   Brighter on positive

3. Known  chi Aurigae   Much brighter on negative

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